Chapter 1526

Duanmuyi told him about his viscera.

He continued: "I always feel that my spiritual power is overflowing, and I can't absorb any spiritual power when I practice every night, maybe the juncture of promotion is not far away.

But my viscera can't withstand the four thunderstorms, can Mr. Huo have a solution? "

"Is there no way for Di Kongxuan?" Huo Chengshan asked with a frown.

Duanmuyi shook his head: "This is also the reason why he desperately wants me to learn how to make medicine. He got the relevant prescription from the Jialan tribe, but he doesn't know if it will work."

"Bring me the prescription." Huo Chengshan said.

Duanmuyi took out the prescription and handed it to him without hesitation—although the prescription is something that every family treasures, after all, it takes many failed researches to form a prescription.

But she gave it readily, and Huochengshan accepted it neatly.

He read it again and asked Duanmu Yi to stretch out his hand to feel his pulse. After a while, he said: "This prescription can strengthen the viscera, but I guess it will dissipate after bearing the power of two tribulation thunders at most."

Duanmuyi didn't ask him what to do, because she knew that the chief elder would not be stingy with his methods.

Sure enough, after a long silence, Huochengshan said: "This prescription is left here with me. You won't be able to practice this elixir that can only be refined by a pharmacist in a short while. You can go back with peace of mind. I will study it."

Duanmuyi breathed a sigh of relief, Di Kongxuan was right, since Huo Lao accepted her as a disciple, even if he was a named disciple, he would try his best to help her.

"Thank you, Mr. Huo, that disciple will leave." Duan Muyi bowed his hands respectfully and withdrew.

"Wait a minute—" Huo Lao stopped her, "I remember an ancient prescription that can heal your visceral injuries if you gather all the five elixir. Let me find it."

Duanmuyi knew what he was talking about: "You don't need to look for Mr. Huo, I know the ancient recipe, you need lavender, grass lychee, sand tree, xuncao and stream bone.

Now I still lack the two medicines of lavender and grass lychee, and the conditions for refining the elixir are harsh, so I have to find another way. "

"Well, you go." Huo Chengshan stared at the prescription in his hand and fell into deep thought.

Duanmuyi closed the door, Xunyi was already standing in front of the ladder waiting for her, seeing that his injury has recovered, I don't know what method that nerd brother used.

Xunyi escorted her into the palace and returned to the courtyard, but she didn't know where she was hiding again.

Duanmuyi took out the book, took the "The Function of Soul Power in Alchemy" and began to read it.

Yesterday Di Kongxuan said that there is a huge difference between controlling fire with spiritual power and controlling fire with soul power. Sure enough, this book introduces the difference in detail at the beginning.

Duanmuyi gradually sank into the book, until her eyes were sore and she raised her head, only to find that the sky had gradually darkened.

The maids in the yard lit the lamps, and someone knocked on the door outside: "Girl, the Empress sent someone to send a message, and invite the girl to the banquet hall."


Duanmuyi was stunned for a moment, but he also knew that she had come all the way, there was absolutely no feast for her, and she really didn't want to go.

It's just that now that she is staying in the palace, and the queen of a country invites her, if she refuses to go, she may have to give up the truth.

After hesitating for a moment, Duanmu asked, "Where is Di Kongxuan?"

"The emperor is also in the banquet hall."

Duanmu felt a little relieved, since Di Kongxuan was here, nothing serious would happen, so he stood up and said, "I'll change my clothes and go."

(End of this chapter)

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