Chapter 1539

Duanmu Shenzhou looked at her gently, his eyes were full of sincerity and pleading.

Duanmuyi saw in his eyes a wave of persistence, the persistence to repair the relationship between her and the family.

But he didn't know at all that during the time when he left the family to go out for training, his beloved cousin Duanmuyi had died.

Died in the eroded Dan River, died in the vicious injury of Duanmu Xiaoxiao.

Therefore, there is no possibility of repairing her relationship with the Duanmu family.

But Duanmuyi suddenly didn't know what to say. Facing such a thorough man, even if he was kind to the point of stupidity, even if he was stubborn to the point of being unreasonable, at least he kept a pure heart.

He is loyal enough to his family and caring enough to his former sister.

Duanmuyi put down the wine jar, got up and said: "Brother, this is the last time I call you.

Duanmuyi from back then had already died in the Dan River, and died with her parents and younger brother.

It is no longer her who is alive now, no matter in terms of appearance, character or behavior.

So, please don't have any pity for me in the future, because I and the Duanmu family are in a deadlock. "

"'s obviously a family, how did it become what it is now..." Duanmu Shenzhou lowered his head and clenched his fists tightly.

Duanmuyi walked to his side, knelt down, and held his fist.

She said slowly: "Once a person sits in a certain position, his desire will increase day by day.

I hope that in the future you will not be such a person.leave. "

After all, she got up and left the tavern without looking back.

Duanmu Shenzhou sat alone in the cubicle for a long time, then picked up the bowl on the table, drank the wine in one gulp, then slapped a mechanism on the table, and shouted loudly: "Xiaoer! Serve the wine!"

After returning to the Rongyuan, Duanmuyi quickly put this matter behind him.

In her opinion, no matter how good Duanmu Shenzhou is, he is also a member of the Duanmu family, and that is her enemy.

Today is the last of her patience, see you someday, and show no mercy.

She locked the door behind her back, then silently recited the mantra left by Huocheng Mountain, and entered the state of cultivation.

The next day, Di Kongxuan suddenly said that he wanted to take her out for a walk, saying that the peach blossoms in Taoshan, the capital of the imperial capital, were in full bloom, even beautiful, and it was not much worse than the peach forest on the back mountain of the Jialan tribe.

Duanmu thought that she met the ear fox in the peach forest of the Jialan tribe, so she naturally fell in love with peach blossoms.

Seeing that Di Kongxuan was rarely in a good mood, he agreed, without thinking about what day it is today.

After she washed and washed, when she went out hand in hand with Di Kongxuan, she bumped into twenty or so noble ladies waiting outside the courtyard, all staring at her holding Dikongxuan's hand, the shocked eyes gradually turned into contempt.

On this continent, except for the Fenglan Empire, which is more liberal because of the queen, the rest of the countries have conservative concepts. Even the largest Yuandong Empire has restrictions on women.

It is really rare for Duanmuyi to hang shoulders with a man in broad daylight.

Especially... not only did she not panic, but she dragged Dikong Xuan away in front of everyone.

For the first time, Di Kongxuan felt a little dazed: "Who are they?"

Duanmuyi coughed dryly: "Two days ago, the three princesses suddenly sent a letter inviting me to some kind of Flower God Banquet, but I refused, and it turned out..."

(End of this chapter)

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