kiss Ann, sweet wife

Chapter 154 Are You Compensating Me Like This?

Chapter 154 Are You Compensating Me Like This?
Not wanting Lin Liying to continue this topic, Bai Jiujiu changed the subject, even girlfriends have secrets that she doesn't want to talk about.

"By the way, how are you and Boss Lan?" Bai Jiujiu asked.

"You mean Lan Feiang?" Lin Liying didn't expect Bai Jiujiu to mention him, "It's okay, last time I sent me back and took advantage of me, I slapped him away!"

No wonder Bai Jiujiu would always wear glasses when she saw Lan Feiang, she thought he was playing cool.

"Then it's impossible for you?" Bai Jiujiu asked tentatively.

Lin Liying's face darkened when she heard Bai Jiujiu say this, "Jiujiu, you know who I like."

"But Huo Weiting, this happened a few years ago, can't we turn the page over? He already rejected you at that time!" Bai Jiujiu was a little angry at his sister's love, "Are you going to spend all this time for him? You are now even with him You don't even know where it is!"

Lin Liying smiled and said, "But I just like him. I fell in love with him from the first moment I saw him. My whole heart beats only for him. I don't love any man except him." Excited."

Bai Jiujiu could see that she was forcing a smile, and when he heard a click, he knew that Lu Sichen's side must be over, so he didn't dare to say any more.

"Okay, Ying Bao, be happy. Where there is no grass in the world, why bother to fall in love with a single flower, and come out another day to accompany you to get drunk!"

Lin Liying watched the video screen go black, and found a photo, which was taken by Bai Jiujiu unintentionally that year, and the passerby behind him was Huo Weiting.

She stroked Huo Weiting in the photo with her fingers, and murmured, "I really like you, not just talking about it, not impulsive, why don't you believe me? Why do you have to be so unfeeling to me , even refused to tell me a contact information?"

Lips pressed lightly, tears fell, and my heart withered like peach blossoms.

Bai Jiujiu was also in a bad mood when he hung up the video, hey, it's all her fault, she shouldn't mention Ying Bao's sad things.

But she never thought that Ying Bao hadn't let go of that secret love until now, and she obviously hadn't even started it!

Huo Weiting is a thorn in Ying Bao's heart, this man is really cruel when he is unfeeling sometimes, I think Ying Bao was serious about chasing him back then.

The door opened with a creak, and Lu Sichen was holding the laptop in his hand, and placed it on the table casually. He tore off his tie, revealing his sexy Adam's apple, and unbuttoned the first button. .

"What, want to eat me?"

Bai Jiujiu took two steps back and said with a smile, "No, I'm full."

Lu Sichen wrapped his right hand around Bai Jiujiu's waist, letting 'him' lean in his arms, smelling the fragrance that belonged to 'him'.

"Your girlfriend is much smarter than you."

Bai Jiujiu was stunned for a moment, and immediately realized, "You overheard me!"

Lu Sichen raised his eyebrows, "The place you live now is mine, the blanket you're stepping on is mine, and the people are mine too. Do I still need to eavesdrop?"

Bai Jiujiu didn't expect Lu Sichen to say that, he was a bit of a rascal!
Why didn't she realize that after a long time of contact, she discovered more problems, and the Lu Sichen in front of her eyes was more real, and she was no longer a cold robot.

"Besides, I eavesdropped. What can you do to me?"

"..." Bai Jiujiu bit the corner of his lips, 'he' really couldn't do anything about it, but why did 'he' hate and feel bad about the aura of the king!
"Yes, yes, you are right!" Bai Jiujiu hugged the pillow and planned to change rooms to sleep.

Lu Sichen's cold eyes flickered slightly, and the corners of his mouth slightly curled up. He especially liked to see Bai Jiujiu's angry face, it was very cute.

"Don't regret it if you go out."

There is nothing to regret!Bai Jiujiu didn't expect that since Lu Sichen didn't come to pull 'him', 'he' seemed to be getting used to Lu Sichen's retention.

Well, I can sleep peacefully tonight.

When Bai Jiujiu's hand touched the doorknob, he heard Lu Sichen's deep and pleasant voice.

"I know where the William Huo you mentioned just now is?"

Bai Jiujiu shook the pillow in surprise, and immediately rushed to Lu Sichen, a little agitated, "Where is Huo Weiting's? Where is he now? I want to see him!"

Lu Sichen narrowed his eyes slightly, exuding a dangerous aura, "You care about him so much?"

not good!Going crazy again.

Bai Jiujiu quickly waved his head and hands, "No, no, no, you misunderstood, I am asking for Ying Bao, Ying Bao has always liked him, if she found out, she would die of happiness!"

"Really? I think you are the one who is happy to die now."

"..." Uncle, can we have a good talk?
The smell of sour vinegar in the room made her almost suffocate.

"Tell me first, where is he now?" Bai Jiujiu asked with a flattering smile.

Lu Sichen didn't look at Bai Jiujiu, and rubbed his eyebrows with his fingers, "Headache."

Bai Jiujiu immediately stepped forward to massage his head, with as good an attitude as possible, Lu Sichen closed his eyes and lay in 'his' arms to enjoy it.

The corner of Bai Jiujiu's mouth twitched slightly, trying to push it away, when Lu Sichen's deep magnetic voice came from his ear.

"Who said that I helped 'him' cover up and then compensated me? Who is asking for help now? Could it be that those words were just trying to trick me?"

Hearing the word cheat, Bai Jiujiu shuddered all over, and immediately lowered his eyebrows, his cute appearance made Lu Sichen frowned even deeper.

He likes Bai Jiujiu's wild obedience, but it's not the kind of puppet's obedience, which suddenly becomes dull.

"Here's his address."

Bai Jiujiu happily took it and immediately took the address and sent it to Yingbao, it's done!

Don’t forget to leave a message: Baby Ying, I can only help so far, the next step depends on your own efforts.

Huo Weiting, who was working overtime, sold his address to his brother who didn't know him at all to make his 'wife' happy.

After Bai Jiujiu finished his work, he saw that Lu Sichen was half lying on the bed. Bai Jiujiu hugged the pillow that was just thrown on the corner of the bed and said, "I... I'd better sleep in another place."

As soon as he turned around, he was pulled into his arms domineeringly by someone.

 PS: Thank you for voting, leaving a message, and checking in. I see it in my eyes and keep it in my heart. It’s great to have your support...

(End of this chapter)

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