Chapter 1542

There is a large garden on the southeast side of the courtyard. It is spring, with overgrown green grass and bright sunshine.

At this time, I visited two rows of small square tables scattered in this grassland, separated by silk in the middle, and the spring breeze swayed gently, like the waist of a beautiful woman.

The male guests had already sat down on one side one after another, and Di Kongxuan naturally sat at the head.

After seeing him, Duanmu sat silently opposite him.

Men and women are reversed, so she is naturally at the bottom of the women's row.

The queen saw it and invited her to sit in front, but Duanmuyi replied with a smile: "Thank you, empress, but I still want to be with him."

So bold, so straightforward.

The queen was stunned for a moment, and then said no more.

The female guests around looked at her like the plague, and even some gossips came out from the male guests.

It's just that because of Di Kongxuan's face, no one dared to say it openly.

"Susu, it's good for me to just watch from the sidelines, you young people can play by yourself." The queen asked people to move the seats farther away, and sat down with the nuns beside her.

Yu Yansu got up and said: "Today is a coincidence, there are twelve male guests and twelve female guests, what this princess means is that everyone picks a kind of flower and composes a poem impromptu.

Those who can't write poems are punished with a glass of wine, which is considered refined taste.

I do not know how you feel? "

This idea is simple and easy to implement, and it is almost the same routine in previous years, so everyone naturally has no objections.

As a result, Yu Yansu was the first to ask Duan Muyi, with a polite expression but a cold smile.

Duanmuyi looked down at the refreshments on the table, and said casually: "I don't know which of the Twelve Flower Gods are there, you can pick them first, and let me pick the rest."

Yu Yansu's smile was even colder, and he made up his mind to save the most difficult one for her, so he asked around and finally gave her "Qiu Haitang".

Duanmuyi turned around in his head, there were very few poems about Qiu Haitang, but Haolai could still write a few poems.

Looking back at Di Kongxuan, he picked an orchid.

"Qiu Haitang?" Di Kongxuan smiled softly through the gauze curtain, "Do you need my help?"

"Don't underestimate me, who is not a man of culture?" Duanmu Yi casually poured himself a glass of wine, the flower wine made from begonias, light and fragrant.

Di Kongxuan glanced at her, and reminded in a low voice: "The begonia is poisonous."

"The toxicity has been neutralized, Yu Yansu wouldn't be so stupid as to poison me so openly." Duanmuyi handed him a cup, and Dikongxuan took a sip and felt relieved.

Qiu Haitang is the goddess of flowers in July, and soon it was Duanmuyi's turn. Duanmuyi composed poems casually, and didn't pay much attention to rhymes.

Such untidy verses naturally aroused laughter from both male and female guests.

Yu Yansu said: "Miss Duanmu is so careless, she should be punished with a glass of wine."

Duanmu Yi put on a dazed look: "Why, just now you said that if you can't compose a poem, you will be punished with alcohol, so should you be fined if you don't compose a poem?"

"Punish, punish!" There were several boos from the male guests.

Duanmu smiled without saying a word, and drank the wine in his glass.

After three rounds, Duanmu drank three glasses of wine properly.

In the fourth round, Yu Yansu said: "Looking at this is not very interesting, why don't we write down the poem, and the person opposite will randomly select it and guess the corresponding flower god.

Flower names are not allowed in the poem, and if they fail to guess, both parties will be punished with alcohol. "

(End of this chapter)

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