Chapter 1549

How could Emperor Yuandong not think of it?

He also knew about Shen Xianchun's thoughts on Yu Yansu before, but Yu Yansu's thoughts were on He Erchuan at that time, and Shen Hui refused to beg him for Shen Xianchun's thoughts, so he naturally didn't bother to pay attention.

Looking at it now, did Shen Xianchun go crazy?

"His Royal Highness..." The room was quiet, but a weak voice suddenly sounded.

Everyone looked and saw the man who was thrown under the steps like a broken sack, trembling and trying to stand up, but fell to the ground several times in embarrassment.

He lay on the ground and suddenly laughed softly.

Laughter contains blood foam, like a ghost in the early spring night.

He laughed so undisguisedly that he lay on the ground trembling all over. He didn't know whether it was from the laughter or the pain, but it made people feel chills all over his body.

Yu Yansu shrank back and shouted: "Hurry up and pull this lunatic down!"

"Whoever dares to touch me!" Shen Xianchun yelled sharply, "Whoever dares to touch me, blood will splatter three feet in my stool! I have sent a letter to my father, and no one who hurts me today will escape!"

Emperor Yuandong squinted his eyes, unmoved at all, stepped forward and asked, "Who hurt you?"

"It's Duanmuyi!" Yu Yansu hurriedly replied, "Duanmuyi kicked him and injured him, and the queen mother can also testify!"

Shen Xianchun climbed up the guardrail beside the stone steps and sat up. He didn't know if he hurt his crotch. The pain made him almost faint, but because of some kind of strong anger from the bottom of his heart, he sat up straight. body.

He turned his head to look at the third princess on the steps, and found that her eyebrows and eyes were still as beautiful as he remembered, but under the night, the tall princess was obviously a little strange.

He said in a hoarse voice: "Your Highness, I just want to ask you, do you still keep what you promised me?"

Yu Yansu panicked, avoided his eyes, and said with a serious face: "I don't know what you are talking about, Shen Xianchun, the princess, it was Duanmuyi who hurt you, you want to go to her beauty salon."

Shen Xianchun smiled softly, as if all his strength had been relieved.

He looked at the sky above his head and said in a low voice: "You promised me that if I bite Duanmuyi and ruin her reputation, you will let me be your bodyguard and accompany you to marry to the Ross Empire.

Your Royal Highness, forgive me, I can no longer serve you. "

His voice disappeared into the night.

There is one more dim star in the sky.

A piece of clothing on the top of the wall disappeared, and a white hair was blown into the soil under the wall by the wind, and quickly disappeared without a trace.

———— I am the gorgeous dividing line———

"I always feel that it is very easy to die alone." On the way back, Duanmuyi said this to Erhu beside him.

The ear fox turned into a human form and trotted all the way on its chubby legs in order to keep up with her footsteps.

"Master, can you slow down." It said, "Are we going to kill people?"

Duanmuyi turned to look at it: "Kill who? Am I such a bloodthirsty person?"

"But if that person dies, it will be very troublesome." Erhu said.

Duan Muyi said: "I've never been afraid of trouble. Even if today's incident didn't happen, I would definitely settle the matter with the Shen family.

Shen Xianchun was an accident, so consider it a gift from me to Shen Hui. "

Yuan Dong, the governor guarding the border, returned to Shen.

The largest family power in Kyoto, the Shen family.

The source of killing her parents and younger brother, the Shen family, returned to Shen.

(End of this chapter)

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