Chapter 1557

Just when she was clueless, the pitch-black space in front of her suddenly stopped.

It was absolutely still, because she found that the lightning falling from her side was suspended in the air and did not move.

The pool of water under his feet and the lightning in the water also froze there.

Dikongxuan's spiritual power was also silenced.

Only she, imprisoned in this mid-air, can still speak.

I don't know if the sound will also be silenced?

Duanmuyi pursed his lips and said, "Senior He Fang, can you show up and see him?"

Fortunately, her voice was still heard.

After a while, the space rippled visible to the naked eye, and an illusory figure appeared in front of her.

"Just now, did you sense the aura of this deity?" The phantom figure asked with its back to her.

Looking at his tall and straight back and the silver hair floating behind him, Duanmuyi replied, "It's me."

"It's been more than 700 years since the deity bound itself here, and it's the first time I've discovered someone who can interact with the deity's aura." The phantom figure said sadly, "730 years to be exact."

"Self bound here?" Duanmuyi was stunned.

He actually had such courage, imprisoned himself in this Zhangtan, and was punished by lightning.

He has such perseverance, 730 will not let himself go for seven years.

What kind of experience made him make such a choice?

Duanmuyi's mind was a little lost, but she was considered a person who had experienced strong winds and waves, so she quickly stabilized her mind and asked: "Dare to ask, are you a member of the Spirit Race?"

"Spirit Race?" The phantom figure sneered, "What is the Spirit Race? In the eyes of this deity, they are nothing more than inconspicuous ants."

Duanmu thought that both he and Di Kongxuan could be regarded as conceited people, but he didn't dare to underestimate the spirit race. Who is this illusory figure that is about to disappear in front of him?
The phantom figure raised its eyebrows slightly, and turned half of its face to the side: "You ask if this deity is from the Spirit Race... Could it be that you are from the Spirit Race?"

"If senior is not from the Spirit Race, how can I be from the Spirit Race if I can sense his aura?" Duanmuyi played a trick.

However, her cleverness was seen through by that phantom figure at a glance.

He sneered and said, "You clearly have the arrogant blood of the Spirit Race in your body. Isn't it too arrogant to lie in front of this deity?"

Duanmuyi didn't expect his lie to be exposed by him, she was quite embarrassed, and was about to explain, when he heard him say: "But you also have the blood of the monster clan, this lord will spare you.

Otherwise, with regard to your bloodline of the spirit race, this deity will definitely wipe you out today! "

It's really not a good experience for a person whom I have slandered to be wiped out just now, threatening her to be wiped out here.

Duanmuyi has no time to think about other things.

Looking at the figure in front of her, she asked a little nervously: "Senior... Could it be a member of the Yaozu?"

"That's right, this deity is the No.20 third-generation patriarch of the Yaozu, Hu She."

Although Duanmuyi had expected it, he was still a little surprised when he admitted it.

Although the current Yaozu has declined, Elder Zhuyin also said that both she and Hu Yuexi belonged to the No.30 generation of the Yaozu, and there were only eight generations in between, more than 700 years...

It's a long history.

After pondering for a moment, she solemnly saluted: "Duanmuyi, the No. 30 generation of the younger Yaozu, pay my respects to the patriarch."

(End of this chapter)

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