Chapter 1576

In her eyes, no matter how powerful Duanmuyi is, he is only a latecomer.

The latecomers are ants.


"Come from behind, you are very good." Standing in front of the large bookcase, Huochengshan looked at Duanmuyi as if looking at a treasure.

When Emperor Kongxuan took her into the medicine refining tower at the beginning of the year, Huochengshan just thought that her talent for refining medicine was good, especially knowing that she possessed spiritual fire, which was the only way to become a top alchemist.

But after more than half a year, when she really came out of the quiet room and handed a Dragon Profound Pill into his hands, he realized that he still underestimated this named disciple.

"The refining technique of Longxuan Pill is not difficult, but the difficult thing is the medicinal materials and the control of the heat." Huo Chengshan said, "Refining Longxuan Pill requires an extremely strict extraction of medicinal materials, even if I I can't do it either, because I don't have a spiritual fire."

Duan Muyi stood in front of him and said sincerely: "Old Huo, your natal fire is the most powerful fire I have ever seen except the spiritual fire."

"Hahahaha, you girl can talk." Huochengshan shook his head, "That's just in addition to the spirit fire. What's more, the medicinal materials of Longxuan Dan are extremely difficult to obtain, and many people don't even have a pair of medicinal materials. Dare to try to refine. You can succeed once, you can be called a wizard."

No matter how humble Duanmu Yi was, he still felt very proud.

Because she didn't expect that she could train the Dragon Profound Pill in one go.

It can be said that this is the best period of time since she left the Mountain and Sea Spiritual Realm.In addition to all the knowledge she has learned in Baicao Residence, she can refine Longxuan Pill, which is actually an expected choice.

"This Dragon Profound Pill can be regarded as a return gift from my disciple to you, Huo Lao. It is not expensive, but it is also a little thought from my disciple." Duan Muyi said sincerely, "If it wasn't for the semi-finished one you refined back then The elixir, helped me when I survived the four or nine heavenly calamities, and I may have died under the four heavenly thunders."

When Huochengshan heard the words, he couldn't stop laughing: "My elixir is nothing, and it's nothing compared to Longxuan Dan. If Longxuan Dan can't be called precious, then what is precious? ? Do you know that if I have this Dragon Profound Pill, I will be [-]% sure to break through the cultivation barrier, enter the Nascent Soul Stage, and increase my lifespan by another three hundred yuan."

Duanmuyi smiled gently, obviously knowing the effectiveness of Longxuan Pill.

However, what she didn't expect was that Huochengshan rejected her elixir.

"This Dragon Profound Pill should be used where it is needed more, to play a more important role." Huo Chengshan said.

Duanmuyi frowned, and guessed his intention after a while.

After a long time, she shook her head: "I don't want to."

Huochengshan looked at her.

Duanmuyi said: "In your eyes, I was only missing for eight months. But I have spent 15 years in Shanhai Lingyu, which can be regarded as 15 years of darkness. Especially in the next 12 years, apart from studying The ancient books left by God Gengfu also figured out a lot of things."

"If there is anyone in this world who can know that Di Kongxuan has a strange poison in his body, and dispatched so many experts to try to assassinate him one after another..." Duanmuyi said, "I can only think of one answer."

She thought that when she first met Di Kongxuan, he raised his hand above the Dan River and killed a dozen strong men.

(End of this chapter)

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