kiss Ann, sweet wife

Chapter 159 Delicious!

Chapter 159 Delicious!
It's a pity that he is not a saint!

Even if he beat his head and begged his grandpa to tell his grandma, he would never take Bai Jiujiu in.

"Director, this shot looks good, why do we need to re-record it? What's wrong?" Bai Jiujiu stood behind the MV director again, staring at the display screen seriously.

This shooting seems to be okay, the actors are in place regardless of their emotions and feelings, but the MV director seems to be stuck here several times and failed. She really wants to know where the problem is?

The MV director obviously didn't expect Bai Jiujiu to ask him this question, he was taken aback for a moment, and then explained: "The actor's emotions are very good with the camera.

But when facing the camera, it is either covered by hair or hands, and the most perfect angle and picture cannot be presented.

It is indeed important to act in a play, but what is more important is the aesthetic point of view presented to the audience. Actors act for everyone to see, not for themselves! "

That's why, "Thank you!" Bai Jiujiu sincerely thanked him.

Afterwards, Bai Jiujiu asked a few more questions about the shooting and camera lens, and the MV director answered them one by one without hesitation.

When it was time to finish work, Bai Jiujiu thanked the MV director again.

The MV director hummed lightly, thinking that he really could bear it, he should beg himself after holding it for so long, and was ready to refuse, but he never expected that Bai Jiujiu planned to leave.


"and many more!"

Bai Jiujiu stopped in his tracks, and asked with a puzzled look on his face, "Is there anything else the director can do?"

"You... don't you have anything else to say?" The MV director has a good impression of Bai Jiujiu, so he can consider it if you ask him.

"Oh, yes! Director, thank you very much for teaching me so much, how about treating you to hot pot?" Bai Jiujiu smiled handsomely.

"..." Really stupid or fake stupid?It's no fun to overdress!

A hint of anger appeared on the MV director's face.

"Director, in fact, sister Yi's MV shooting has been cancelled."

"It's cancelled." The MV director nodded in confusion, "Since you know, why are you staying here? You don't look like you want to beg me."

Bai Jiujiu couldn't help laughing when he heard this, "If I beg you, will you give it to me?"

The MV director was silent, the person in front of him was much smarter than he imagined.

"I didn't gain anything from this trip. At least I learned a lot from you, which has further improved my acting skills. You are right in saying that actors don't act for themselves, but ultimately present them to the audience." The audience watched it." Bai Jiujiu thanked the MV director again.

This kid is really annoying.

The MV director didn't expect Bai Jiujiu to thank him instead of complaining, hehe, what an interesting young man.

"Wait." The MV director handed Bai Jiujiu a note and said, "Maybe it will help you."

Bai Jiujiu glanced at the message, it was an introduction to a public service advertisement, and there was a phone call behind it.

This surprised Bai Jiujiu, after all, she has no friendship with the MV director.

Bai Jiujiu held the note tightly and smiled at the MV director, "Thank you."

The MV director patted Bai Jiujiu on the shoulder, "You don't need to thank me, you got it through your own hard work, young man, I like you!"

Bai Jiujiu smiled back, "I will not let you down."

As the night darkened, Bai Jiujiu didn't stay long and went straight home.

She knew that things had happened and reached the worst point, there was no point in scolding and resenting, she could only find a way to remedy it.

(End of this chapter)

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