Chapter 1595

"Tut tsk tsk..." Duanmuyi lay on the bed and sighed, "The beast in clothes is talking about you."

"Then you can take this word as a compliment to your beloved wife." Di Kongxuan smiled with his lips bent, in a good mood.

Duanmuyi sat up and said: "After the war is over, I want to go to the north."

"North?" Di Kongxuan was stunned, and asked, "Monster Clan Secret Realm?"

Duan Muyi nodded: "When my soul power leaked out the day before yesterday, I not only felt the aura of that divine beast, but also felt a very kind power from the north, which seemed to be calling me to go. I think it should be the demon clan Mystery."

"Now that you are an early stage Nascent Soul, the trials in the secret realm may not be of much help to you." Di Kongxuan said.

Duan Muyi pondered and said: "I remember Elder Zhuyin once mentioned that all the clansmen who have entered the secret realm trials have only been in the Fifth Heaven, and no one has ever been to the Ninth Heaven. Maybe, I can try."

"In this case, let's end this war as soon as possible." Di Kongxuan picked up a piece of clothing from the side, and smiled at her, "Come, change clothes for your husband and your beloved wife."

Duanmu tilted his head and asked with a smile, "Are we married yet?"


At the other end of the black line, the army of monsters gathered again. Millions of monsters were densely packed, flying in the sky to cover the sky, running on the ground ready to move, and screaming wildly everywhere.

And the second batch of heavy armor protective equipment rushed from Yuandong also arrived at the front line on the eve of the war.

This means that the heavily armored coalition has added another [-] troops.

Millions of monsters, millions of armored troops, this is destined to be a collision that shakes the world.

At the back of the battlefield, practitioners from both sides gathered without any words to each other, but they seemed to know that this would be a decisive battle.

Regardless of victory or defeat after the war, both sides will surely enter a period of recuperation.

If the Black League wins, the lives of the mainland will be ruined.

If the Allied Forces win, the Black Alliance will have no room to turn around.

Just when this war was about to break out, there was a commotion in the Chinese camp of the coalition forces.

"This king is the coach, why not let me go to the battlefield!" He Erchuan said angrily.

Di Kongxuan said expressionlessly: "Your cultivation base is too low."

"Speaking of which, you are all subordinates of this king! It's good now, do you all dare to climb on top of this king!" He Erchuan flipped the table.

Di Kongxuan changed hands and poured a glass of water for Duanmuyi, Duanmuyi took it with a smile, and said to He Erchuan: "Your cultivation base is too low."

"You two, can you have something new!" He Erchuan drew his sword angrily, "Don't stop me, I'm going!"

In the handsome tent, everyone looked at the sand table, the map, and the water glass, but no one looked at him, and no one paid attention to him.

He Erchuan strode outside the camp, turned his head to see that no one was stopping him, and after a moment of silence, he directly called the soldiers and asked for a horse.

After leading him onto the horse, he stretched out a hand and handed him the heavy armor helmet.

He Erchuan took it and was about to put it on his head when he heard the man say: "The commander of the first army should be in charge of the central army, when will it be the commander's turn to fight the enemy? What's more, your cultivation base is too low .”

He Erchuan looked down, and it was Queen Fenglan who was holding the rein.

A little further away, the people in the handsome tent also came out and looked at him silently.

After a moment of silence, He Erchuan threw off the rein angrily, got off his horse, and rushed into the handsome tent.

(End of this chapter)

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