Chapter 1603

Last year, the two came from the Hull Empire. They were killed by the black alliance on the way. They accidentally hit outside the monster barrier and were rescued by Hu Yuexi, thus revealing a part of Duanmuyi's life experience.

Now that he returns again, Duanmuyi has already been in the Mountain and Sea Spiritual Realm for 15 years. He always feels that it has been a thousand years in the blink of an eye, and the scenery seems a little strange.

Elder Zhuyin opened the barrier and welcomed the two of them inside.

"When you left last year, you were only at the early stage of Jindan, but now you are at the early stage of Yuanying. It would not be an exaggeration to say that you are a genius that the monster race has never encountered in a thousand years." Elder Zhuyin said, He coughed twice.

Duanmu asked worriedly: "Elder, your body—"

"It's okay, it's like this when I get older." Elder Zhuyin waved his hand, "The only thing I can't let go of is Xiaoxi. She always looks like she won't grow up. When I go back, what should the Yaozu do... "

How could Duanmuyi fail to understand the meaning of his words, she just wanted her to take over the Yaozu first, and then hand it over to Hu Yuexi when Hu Yuexi was able to take charge of it alone.

It's just that she is burdened with a blood feud, and she has to go to the Duanmu family to collect debts, and her internal organs are already full of problems, so how can she have extra energy to protect a monster clan.

However, her father was born in the Yaozu, and they are brothers with Hu Yuexi's father, and everyone in the Yaozu treated her very well. It would be too ruthless for her to refuse outright.

Just when she was hesitating, Di Kongxuan suddenly said: "If this battle is won, the monster race will be ashamed, and they will win glory; if this battle is lost, the vast continent will be devastated. No matter whether it is human race, spirit race or monster race, there is only one Same end."

At this time of rising and falling together, honor and disgrace together, the Yaozu doesn't need to worry about destruction at all.

Elder Zhuyin glanced at him, and said helplessly: "The monster clan always needs a leader."

"I am one body with her husband and wife, I will take care of it myself." Di Kong Xuan said calmly.

Elder Zhuyin was silent for a moment, then bowed solemnly: "That's it, thank you."

Duanmu Yi glanced at him and said in a low voice, "Since when are we husband and wife?"

"It's almost there." Di Kongxuan raised his eyebrows, "Could it be that the lady doesn't recognize her?"

Duanmu said: "..."

When did she become his wife in a daze?

Elder Zhuyin led the two of them to a huge altar in the depths of the Yaozu, and stopped.

The altar was about ten feet long, about eight feet wide, and as high as three people. There were seven golden flags planted on it, surrounding the altar with a seven-star formation.In the middle of the altar, there is a huge skeleton, which looks like a four-legged spirit beast.

"It's the Nine-Tailed Sky Fox." Elder Zhuyin said, "It's also the first emperor of the Monster Clan."

In other words, they are the ancestors of Hu Yuexi and Duanmuyi.

Duanmuyi performed the junior salute, and then walked up to the altar.

"I will activate the formation later on. One thing you have to remember is that the Yaozu Secret Realm is different from the Mountain and Sea Spirit Realm. The flow of time inside is exactly the same as the outside world." Elder Zhuyin said.

That is to say, if Duanmuyi wants to rush back within half a year, he must pass the trial of the Yaozu secret realm within half a year to obtain the inheritance of power.

"How long does it take Yuexi to enter the secret realm every time?" she asked.

Elder Zhuyin said: "That girl just went in for fun, stole some panacea and came out, she had never entered the inheritance hall, so she came out in a month.

I don't have royal blood, and I haven't been in it before, so I can't give you detailed advice.

(End of this chapter)

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