Chapter 1605

"Go, go to the secret realm to get what you want." The nine tails behind the nine-tailed celestial fox unfolded like a folding fan, and the white tail hair shook off countless crystal light spots, and the huge illusion disappeared in an instant.

Duanmuyi stretched out his hand and caught a spot of light, which turned out to be an extremely rare night pearl!
Countless night pearls fell from the place where the nine-tailed sky fox disappeared, paving a road leading to the unknown in front of the two.

The two took a step forward and followed Ye Mingzhu to the front.


"The heavy armored army cannot withdraw!" Queen Fenglan never thought that after two days of cultivation, she would hear such a decision when she entered the palace again.

She looked at Emperor Yuandong who was sitting on the first seat, and then at the people in power around her, feeling a little chill in her heart.

Sure enough, I heard Lord Ross say slowly: "Queen Fenglan, you are fighting on the front line, but you don't know that the rear has exhausted the resources of the whole country in order to supply more than 100 million heavy armored troops. If the heavy armored army continues to stay on the front line, every day The materials consumed are in the hundreds of millions, and we cannot afford to consume them.”

"You have never been on the front line, so you don't know how fierce the battle is. If it weren't for the deterrence of the heavy armored army, the monster army would have already flattened every inch of the vast continent!" Queen Feng Lan tried her best to remain calm, coldly Looking at Lord Ross, he said.

Lord Ross pulled out a smile: "Queen Fenglan, don't look at me like this. This decision is not made by me, it is the result of discussions with everyone here."

Queen Fenglan said: "Because of this, I can't understand it. Why can't you even understand this most basic truth? With the withdrawal of the heavy armored army, we have nothing to rely on. To the east of the Hull Empire, there is a large plain , How can you withstand the impact of the army of monsters! Do you think that you can stop the army of monsters just by relying on those cultivators of the Spirit Race?!"

Seeing that the two were about to quarrel, Emperor Yuandong finally said: "What I and all of you mean is not to dismantle the heavy armored army. It's just that there is a shortage of supplies, and no country can afford the heavy armored army. Now it happens to be for both sides. During the truce period, since the Black Alliance and the monsters are recuperating, why not temporarily withdraw the heavy armor army and keep the formation, so that all countries can breathe a sigh of relief."

Queen Fenglan's attitude was firm: "I don't agree."

Lord Ross suddenly smiled meaningfully: "That's right, after the Hull Empire, there will be the Fenglan Empire. Once the heavy armored army withdraws, if there is a war, the Fenglan Empire will be the first to suffer. The Queen of Fenglan is like this Opposition is not difficult to understand.”

After hearing these words, Queen Fenglan suddenly clenched her fists.

The rumors of the Lord Ross sounded in his ears again: "It's just the queen, don't you think about it, besides your people in Fenglan, what about the people of Ross and Yuandong? And the refugees who were evacuated from the Hull Empire? Everyone's life is hard enough, so what if it takes a while?"

"Bastard!" Queen Fenglan couldn't bear it any longer, she stood up and kicked over the table in front of her.

The whole hall was shocked.

Queen Fenglan strode up to Lord Ross, grabbed his collar, looked at this old man in his 40s with a wretched face, and sneered: "You are a beast, of course everyone is a beast .”

Her body still carried the bloody smell from the battlefield, and because of the several fights with monsters, her hostility increased greatly. Now under the rage, everyone was silent.

(End of this chapter)

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