Chapter 1607

When the outside world was divided due to the short period of peace after the war, Duanmuyi and Dikongxuan also stood in front of a large hall.

Ye Mingzhu gradually dimmed behind her, indicating that their road had come to an end.

This is probably the most mysterious and dangerous place in the Yaozu inheritance secret realm - the inheritance hall.

Duanmuyi stepped forward and opened the door without any disturbance.

The two seemed to be strolling in the courtyard, but in fact they had already raised their vigilance, put their shoulders together, looked in one direction each, and walked into the hall slowly but firmly.

However, what was unexpected was that the main hall was extremely empty, so empty that it didn't look like a palace at all, but more like a square with a dome.

In the very center of the main hall, there is a small medicine cauldron.

The two walked forward, and with the strength of their feet, they walked for half an hour, and then stopped almost at the same time.

Duanmuyi took a breath and murmured, "Is this a miracle?"

The small cauldron they saw just now was actually not a medicine cauldron, but the spire of an underground tower!The spire of the tower is exposed above the ground, and the Tasha is not a common Xumizuo or orb, but a shape similar to a medicine tripod, which will cause them visual misunderstanding.

Duanmuyi took out a luminous pearl and threw it down, the light quickly became smaller and weaker, and disappeared, and after a while, there was a sound of falling to the ground.

"Very deep." Duanmuyi said.

Di Kongxuan waved his hand and released a stream of spiritual energy downwards, but the spiritual energy was crushed to a degree visible to the naked eye.

"There is a formation that restricts the aura, so you can't fly over it," he said.

"How about jumping over?" Duanmu asked, pointing to the still visible tower body.

There's a small window there that should be able to break through.

Di Kongxuan nodded: "Try."

Duanmuyi tucked the hem of his clothes into his belt, tightened his sleeves, and immediately took a few steps back, took a deep breath, ran quickly, and jumped away at the break.

Di Kongxuan followed closely behind, supported Duanmuyi when she was about to fall, and threw her to the window, while he fell faster.

"Dikongxuan!" Duanmuyi shouted as he grabbed the window sill with one hand.

After a while, his voice came from below: "I'm fine, hang up."

Duanmu Yi's suspended heart just returned to his place: "Which floor are you on?"

"I don't know, it should be about five floors below you." Di Kongxuan said.

Duanmuyi was about to let go and slide down to find him, when he heard him say: "Don't jump down, walk inside, we can meet."

"Okay." Duanmuyi swung her right hand, and the Seven Treasure Blade flashed a sharp cold light, smashing the window above her head, and she pushed herself up with her arms.

As soon as she entered the room, she immediately placed the Seven Treasure Blade in front of her body, her eyes were dimly lit in the darkness, and she quickly scanned the entire room, then walked out of the door and found the stairs.

The whole tower was extremely quiet, so quiet that even footsteps could not be heard, Duanmuyi stood at the stairs and listened for a while, logically speaking, in such an empty tower, she could hear the footsteps below the fifth floor.


Duanmuyi felt something was wrong.

At this moment, a gust of cold wind suddenly came from the bottom of the stairs, and there was a damp smell in the wind, like the smell of moss beside the deep stream.

There are mustard seed towers in the world, one tower and one world, which can accommodate thousands of worlds in a small space.

Duanmuyi looked at the lone peak and pool of water in front of him, his whole body was stiff.


Xin Xuerou stood in front of the small building in the main altar of Sihua Pavilion.

(End of this chapter)

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