kiss Ann, sweet wife

Chapter 161 Is This What It's Like to Be in Love?

Chapter 161 Is This What It's Like to Be in Love?

Coming to such a conclusion, Bai Jiujiu felt as if he had just eaten a fly, unable to spit it out or swallow it!
Bai Jiujiu was so angry that he stomped on Lu Sichen's foot, "Bastard!"

Opened the door with a backhand, slammed the door and locked it!
"..." Lu Sichen stared at the place where he was stepped on, it wasn't good just now, why did it change all of a sudden?

He never knew that men can have such an emotional side.

Thinking of Bai Jiujiu just saying that he was being bullied, he immediately called Lan Feiang to inquire.

"Brother, I'm not Bai Jiujiu's 24-hour bodyguard. I'm also very busy at work every day. If 'he' is unhappy, it must be because he encountered some difficulties in the recent assessment. Just cook something delicious to coax 'him'."

"it works?"

"Of course it works, brother, haven't you heard of it? If you want to capture a man's heart, you must grasp his stomach, so..." Lan Feiang was hung up before he could finish speaking!
Depend on!To him, he was like a big brother who came and waved, who valued sex and despised friends!

Lu Sichen opened the refrigerator, intending to do what Lan Feiang said.

In fact, Lan Feiang was just talking casually. If he saw this scene with his own eyes, his jaw would drop to the ground in shock.

And Bai Jiujiu in the room is videoing with Lin Liying.

Listening to Bai Jiujiu complaining to her, Lin Liying looked at her speechlessly.

"Bai Jiujiu, you are completely in a state of being in love now..."

"Is there?" Bai Jiujiu looked puzzled.she is in loveWhy can't she feel it?This is the feeling of being in love?

Lin Liying nodded fiercely, "Yes! Just one sentence makes you worry about gains and losses. Isn't this what love is? Not only worries about gains and losses, but also cranky. I can smell your jealousy through the screen. You are not actually angry with Yi Xuelan Digging a hole for you, you are more angry at Lu Sichen's attitude towards Yixuelan!"

"Is there?" Bai Jiujiu frowned.

It is said that women in love have zero IQ, but Lin Liying finally understood it.

"Don't worry about whether you have it or not, and put aside the emotional matters. I heard you just said that if this matter is not resolved, you are likely to be PS off, so focus on work first."

"I've already thought of a solution in my heart." Although she was a little hesitant about this solution.

Hearing what Bai Jiujiu said, Lin Liying felt relieved, "OK, don't forget to sign me when you become famous!"

Fame?Take it too far.

"We'll wait until we become famous. By the way, did you go to him for the address that was sent to you last time?" Bai Jiujiu's words made Lin Liying, who was still in high spirits, shrivel immediately.

"...No...No, I'm a little scared, hey, forget it, let's not talk, hang up."

Lin Liying hung up directly, chasing him back then had exhausted all her courage, now she was a little more apprehensive, not as fearless as before.

Bai Jiujiu twitched the corners of his mouth, forget it, it's better for the person concerned to settle this emotional matter by himself, even the best girlfriends shouldn't interfere.

Girlfriends also need each other's private space.

Bai Jiujiu thought of his own solution, it would be better to discuss it with Lu Sichen.

After all, Lu Sichen is more experienced than her. Although Lu Sichen's words are not pleasant every time, his opinions are more pertinent.

Can be regarded as her good teacher and helpful friend.

(End of this chapter)

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