Chapter 1648

His hand was already resting on Duanmuyi's neck, and it could be broken with just a little force.

Di Kongxuan seemed a little anxious, and stretched out his hand: "Don't, I just destroy it."

The corner of Duanmuyi's eyes twitched, and he heard Duanmuhong laughing behind him: "Then hurry up—"

His voice stopped abruptly, and Duanmuyi almost subconsciously jumped forward, thinking that he would fall into the mud, but instead fell into the generous and warm embrace of the man.

Di Kongxuan avoided the wound on her face calmly, and gently held her in his arms, not even daring to use force.

It wasn't until this moment that his heart fell into place.

But Duanmuyi couldn't care less, wrapped his arms around his waist tightly.

The waist is so thin that you can't even feel a little flesh.

This is not the time for children to love each other, but Duanmuyi still couldn't hold back his grievances, and wanted to cry in the blink of an eye.As a result, the man said with a straight face, "Don't cry."

Duanmu said: "..."

Di Kongxuan rubbed her head: "You still have injuries on your face, don't cry."

Duanmu Yi almost forgot that now he has been disfigured by Duanmu Xiaoxiao.

She turned her head and looked at Duanmuhong belatedly, but only saw a pile of ashes.

It turned out that Di Kongxuan's movement of reaching out his hand just now had secretly released his Seal Spirit Fire.The Spiritual Fire of Yin was invisible and colourless, it sealed Duan Muhong's cultivation in an instant, and burned him to ashes from the inside out.

As expected, Di Kongxuan was merciless in his actions.

Duanmuyi heaved a sigh of relief, only then did he feel that his whole body was out of strength.

"As expected, you are reliable..." Duanmuyi murmured and fell into his arms.

The reliable Emperor Kongxuan ruthlessly issued an order to destroy the entire Duanmu family.Suddenly looking for a report, in the quiet room in the back mountain, there are a large number of late-stage Jindan powerhouses guarding it.

Di Kongxuan stretched out his hand to touch Duanmuyi's chest, and touched the hideous wound.

He raised his eyelids and said, "Kill them all."

"Duanmu Shenzhou is also there." Xun Yi said.

Di Kongxuan said expressionlessly: "Bring it here."


Soon a piece of news spread throughout the Spirit Clan. Just a few days after the crisis of the Black Alliance was resolved, the largest family of the Spirit Clan——the Duanmu Family was taken over by someone.

The head of the Duanmu family, the Presbyterian Council, and the strong men above the Jindan stage were all wiped out. Duanmu Xiaoxiao was hung on a branch by the Dan River. Another clear mirror was hung in front of her, allowing her to see her own face as soon as she opened her eyes.

Duanmu Xiaoxiao's screams resounded day and night by the Dan River, and after five days, it finally ended with the sound of falling into the water.

She broke the rope and jumped into the Dan River.

Since then, there is only one Duanmu Shenzhou left in the entire Duanmu family, and a group of old and weak women and children with only congenital cultivation.

Countless small and medium-sized families of the Spirit Race have all set their sights on this century-old family, planning how to carve up the Duanmu family's territory.

"The patriarch..." the cowardly servant girl called out at the door, "yes, there is a girl visiting."

Sitting under the eaves, Duanmu Shenzhou seemed to be a little afraid of the colder weather, and even covered his legs with a blanket.His face, which was always as gentle as jade, was now lifeless.

Hearing the maid's voice, he raised his hand and waved.

Not knowing whether to see it or not, the maid hesitated for a moment, but still brought him in.

(End of this chapter)

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