Chapter 1668

An extremely huge half-moon-shaped light curtain descended from the sky, covering the splendid building.

On top of the ten-story tower, a young man with long hair fluttered, playing with a scroll in his hand, and on his thumb, he also carried a finger puller from Chensha Auction House.

"Where are they?" he asked casually.

The old man beside him said in a low voice: "Di Kongxuan just came out of the Baicao Clan with Di Mingkun, and Duanmuyi has already gone to Xuanye College with Yutingsong. Keep eating, drinking and having fun."

Hearing Yue Rushuang's name, the young man sneered, as if extremely disdainful.

He raised his head, his pupils were different colors, and a smile flashed across his face.

"Add more fire, let the children of all major tribes know who is on the list of ascension recently." The young man licked his dry lips, showing a wicked smile.

The old man responded, and immediately said: "But——"


The old man's scalp tightened, and he said calmly: "However, there is still no news about that person."

The young man sneered: "What is that person? Is that thing a person? Say it again!"

"Yes yes yes..." The old man hastily slapped himself, and corrected, "There is no news about that bastard. I searched all over the continent and couldn't find it."

The young man put away the scroll in his hand and stood up.

He was tall, wearing a pair of extremely loose black sleeves, and the wind from the tenth floor was blowing, outlining his strong body line.

Looking at the deep and distant sky, he smiled.

"Then keep looking."

"He dares to save people in the passageway of ascension, and if he doesn't die, he will peel off his skin. Go to Chensha Auction House to release the news that the Mo clan paid a lot of money to buy the holy medicine."

"Dare to ruin my business, the little bastard is really desperate."

The old man followed up and said, "Young patriarch, Xuanye Academy is about to start, and the patriarch and eldest son have asked you to report this year."

"Of course, this year's Xuanye Academy is really interesting."


In Xuanye Continent, in the fall of the year, the Xuanye Academy re-enrolls new students every five years. Outstanding young people from various tribes go through layers of screening for half a year to select the best talents and send them to the academy to study.

Every time around this time is a major event in Xuanye Academy.

Yu Tingsong was also a little tired after a long day of traveling and traveling, so he took Duanmuyi back to his faculty dormitory as soon as he got off the flying monster.

I met a lot of people along the way, and they seemed to have a good relationship with him, and they also cast curious eyes on the woman following him.

After returning to the courtyard, Yu Tingsong closed the courtyard door, and said to Duanmuyi: "This is my residence, and there are a few vacant houses over there. You can choose one by yourself. There will be someone to clean it. You can live directly."

Duanmuyi was also very tired, especially since her body was still injured, but fortunately, the injury recovered quickly, and the medicine given by Yu Tingsong really took effect very quickly.

The two bid farewell briefly, and then went back to their respective rooms to rest.

Duanmuyi fell asleep after touching the pillow, and when he woke up, the sky outside the window was dark.This sleep made her whole body sore and limp, and she didn't want to get up after lying down for a long time, so she simply stopped getting up.

It wasn't until this moment that she realized that she had already entered Xuanye Academy.

She had heard too many legends about Xuanye Academy along the way, and she knew that it was the most dazzling existence on Xuanye Continent. She was too tired during the day, and couldn't care less about looking at it when she came in. The only feeling was that it was lively.

(End of this chapter)

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