Chapter 1676


This is the only thought in Duanmu's mind.

She has also heard about the elixir that changes the appearance, but there has been a shortage of prescriptions, and it is said that the relevant medicinal materials are also difficult to find.And in this freshman party, Xuanye College actually took out hundreds of them at once, which shows the great skill.

Speaking of this, I have to mention the academic system of Xuan Ye College.

A batch of new students are recruited every five years. After five years, they are called junior graduates. They can choose to leave or continue their studies for five years, and they are called graduates.

Those like Yue Rushuang, the eldest son of the Mo family, and Di Mingkun are graduates; those like Di Kongxuan, Lan Yao, and Jiang Shao are freshmen.As for people like Yu Tingsong, they are extremely outstanding talents and will be retained by the academy to teach.

After taking the elixir, Duanmuyi simply modified the shape of his eyebrows and the size of his eyes, and along the way, gave birth to a few ounces of flesh on his fleshless cheeks, and he looked like a pink and lovely girl.

With a thought in her mind, a tingling sensation appeared on her face, but in an instant, her appearance changed completely.

When he looked up at Yu Tingsong again, a rabbit face appeared in front of him.

Duanmu said: "..."

Rabbit face opened its mouth and spit out Yu Tingsong's voice: "Huh? Why haven't you changed?"

Duanmu asked feebly: "Why, can you still change into an animal?"

"Yeah, look—"

Rabbit Yu Tingsong turned her fingers, and Duan Muyi turned her head to look, and saw a room full of students with animal heads on them. At that moment, she thought she had become Miss Alice in Wonderland.

"Illusion Pill can only be used once in three days, what a pity." Yu Tingsong said.

Duanmuyi quickly waved his hands: "No, no, it's not a pity at all, I think this is very good."

The people in Xuanye Continent are really strange. On the one hand, they look down on the Yaozu people and enslave them;

Some are not all animal heads, there are also half-human, half-demon forms.

Only a small number of people still have human faces after the illusion, which is really strange.

While speaking, the golden silk cage opened in mid-air, and countless sparrow spirits fluttered out, making clear and sweet chirping, and flying in all directions.

Under the brilliant lights, the dean of Xuanye College stepped onto the stage in a formal gown.

Duanmuyi looked at the pair of antlers on the dean's head, and couldn't bear to hold back his laughter.

"Ahem——" the dean touched his antlers, looking very satisfied, "Hello, new students. I am your dean, and I will be your biggest backer for a long time in the future .”

Yu Tingsong and Duanmuyi introduced the main process of the party in a low voice. Duanmuyi listened carefully at first, but suddenly felt a sharp gaze from behind her.

Then behind and around were all students with changed appearances, none of whom she knew.

At first she thought that this gaze came from Mo Lingyu, but the more she thought about it, the more she felt it was not.

Mo Lingyu's gaze is stinging, like a poisonous snake crawling on your shoulders, it will bite you anytime and anywhere.But that gaze just now was not. Although that gaze was equally cold and severe, it was inexplicably full of anger.

Is it... Di Kongxuan?
He must have come here too!
Duanmuyi's heart skipped a beat.

She didn't change her appearance too much, the current appearance should be almost the same as when she first met Di Kongxuan, if Di Kongxuan was there, he would definitely recognize her!

(End of this chapter)

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