kiss Ann, sweet wife

Chapter 171 My people want you to take care of them?

Chapter 171 My people want you to take care of them?

In fact, he didn't want Lu Sichen to see her in a mess.

Bai Jiujiu blushed slightly, and his heart was beating wildly, as if he had done something wrong and was caught on the spot.

Bai Jiujiu didn't realize that she was already in love at all, and she completely changed from before. If she was facing men before, she would never be so passive.

In front of Lu Sichen, he can always reveal his truest side inadvertently.

Lu Sichen grabbed the handkerchief with one hand, the corners of his mouth widened, he really wanted to hold 'him' in his arms and knead him!
Don't burn the water, just use well water to remove the fire.

After Bai Jiujiu got out of the bathroom, he sat not far away and looked up at the stars. In fact, the bathroom was just a simple shed.

She has never seen such a beautiful starry sky, full of stars, like a starry sky filled with fireworks, but more brilliant and eternal than fireworks.

"Jiujiu." Han Xu originally wanted to wash up but did not expect to meet Bai Jiujiu, so he sat directly beside her, just in time to ask something.

"Senior." Bai Jiujiu happened to have something to tell Han Xu.

"Senior, I have something to ask you. Uncle doesn't know that I'm a man. Don't mention this to anyone."


"Anyway, I have something to hide, senior, please!" Bai Jiujiu clasped his hands together.

Han Xu nodded, "Okay, but you have to tell me, what is your relationship with that young master Lu?"

Uh... I like to ask this question anyway.

"Uncle's relationship." Bai Jiujiu said with a smile, although the smile on his face made people think it was fake.

Han Xu stared at Bai Jiujiu for a few seconds and gave up. "I know you don't want to say it, but you have to remember that I am your senior. If you have anything to do in the future, you can call me. Promise me?"

Bai Jiujiu agreed out of conscience, but the uncle had already deleted the call.

"I want to know when you will be able to go back to school?" Han Xu looked at Bai Jiujiu and said, "Didn't you say you would always be my school girl? Why did you drop out of school when you got admitted to this school?

If it is a question of tuition fees, I can help you! "

In fact, he knew that when Bai Jiujiu passed the exam, he was very happy, and even ran to find her, but was told by Bai Jiujiu's head teacher that he had temporarily suspended school due to financial problems.

"I haven't planned to go back to school yet, but now I'm planning to..."

"Now I'm planning to join the New World. I want to take my time with my studies. As for the tuition fee, it's my own business and I don't need anyone's help." Bai Jiujiu sincerely thanked Han Xu, "Thank you senior for your concern."

"There's no need to be so polite between us. For a long time, I actually..." Han Xu was interrupted by someone before he could finish speaking.

Bai Jiujiu jumped into the air in an instant, startling her!
Being hugged by a princess directly by Lu Sichen who just got out of the shower, the picture is unusually harmonious and beautiful, and the whole screen is full of sexiness.

When passing by, I accidentally saw people and couldn't help but stop and take a few more glances.

Lu Sichen left without saying a word.

"Uncle, let me go, I'll go by myself!" Bai Jiujiu was almost dying of embarrassment, she is wearing men's clothes now, two big men are playing with princess hugs?

Someone else is watching!
Lu Sichen naturally ignored it.

Han Xu saw Bai Jiujiu's dissatisfaction and resistance, and immediately stepped forward to grab Lu Sichen's arm, trying to stop him.

"Jiujiu told you to let her go, didn't you hear?"

Lu Sichen gave Han Xu a cold look, "Are you in charge of my people?"

(End of this chapter)

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