Chapter 1713

The vice president turned his head to look at Yu Tingsong, and said, "Duanmu—that's a big family of the Shengling clan."

"Mr. Yu is kind to me, but I have no connection with the Duanmu family, so I consider myself a member of the Baicao clan." Duanmuyi glanced at the crowd and asked, "Is it true that whatever family name you belong to? There is such a rigid rule. ?”

Yu Tingsong smiled: "Of course not."

Duanmuyi nodded: "I think so. Otherwise, if I change my surname to Emperor one day, will the Dijiang clan accept me?"

Di Mingkun glanced at her, then at Dikongxuan behind him, always feeling that something was weird.

"So you are a descendant of the Duanmu family." A clear laughter came from the side, Jiang Shao walked over and looked at her meaningfully, "In this way, we are destined to be destined, Miss Duanmu."

Duanmuyi smiled slightly, but did not answer.

"Although you don't want to go back to the Shengling clan, you are always closer in blood. Rong'er's Huagui family has always been friendly with the Duanmu family. Today, you can be regarded as flooding the Dragon King Temple." Jiang Shao said, "Change Tomorrow, I'll talk to Rong'er, and I think you two don't know each other anymore."

He was talking inside and out, and with the airs of the number one genius of the Shengling clan, he wanted to reconcile Duanmuyi and Hua Guirong.

Duanmuyi glanced at Hua Guirong who was unconscious, and smiled: "It's just a competition, there's nothing to say about inferior skills."

Jiang Shao: "..."

The vice-principal said: "Duanmuyi, with your level of cultivation, it's a pity to be a teaching assistant. I wonder if you would like to study at Xuanye Academy and become an honor of Xuanye Academy in the future?"

Duanmuyi froze for a moment, but did not respond.

Yu Tingsong stepped forward and reminded: "Vice President Jinkou Yuyan, what are you still doing?"

"I, can I?" This is such a wonderful thing that fell from the sky, Duanmuyi couldn't believe it.

The vice-principal laughed and said, "That's it, Chengyu, I'll leave this matter to you. Duanmuyi's admission process, you should pay more attention to it."

Mo Chengyu nodded proudly and said, "Okay, Vice President."

Duanmuyi, who had just been exuberant, quickly calmed down when she heard this sentence - the relationship between her and Mo Lingyu has already been formed, and this Mo Chengyu seems to be of a higher rank, isn't it better than Mo Lingyu? Difficult to deal with!

The deputy dean and a group of teachers left first. The freshmen were frightened today, but they had to continue to attend the next class, and rushed to the classroom one after another.

Yutingsong said to Duanmuyi: "Congratulations."

"I'm really a little... flattered." Duanmuyi said embarrassingly.

"It's nothing surprising. The vice president always cherishes talents. Your outstanding soul power, as well as the cultivation and accomplishment you show, are all the vice president's favorite." Yu Tingsong patted her on the shoulder, " Come on. Go back and pack your things, and move to the girls' dormitory tomorrow."

Duanmuyi nodded, and Yu Tingsong also left.

The classroom was burned down by spiritual fire, and he still has a lot of aftermath to do.

Duanmuyi just sat down on the stand, when she heard footsteps approaching behind her, a tall man sat down next to her.

Di Dudu stretched out his small hand and held her: "Mother, do your feet still hurt?"

"It's been fine for a long time." Duan Muyi pinched his side face, "Let's see if you dare to be skinny in the future! You really are a brat."

(End of this chapter)

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