Chapter 1724

Duanmuyi squinted at him.

"You'll know then."

It makes sense why they chose sixth and seventh. Among the nine positions in the top ten, the second and third are extremely mysterious. No one has dared to challenge them for so many years. Naturally, they will not be so conceited.

The fifth is Mo Chengyu, the sixth is Song Aotian, the seventh is Duan Muyue, the eighth is Di Mingkun, the ninth is Chen Yuan, and the tenth is Jiang Shao.

Among these six people, only casual cultivator Song Aotian and Duanmu Yue are relatively easier to deal with.As for the others, they seem to be ranked lower, but they are even more difficult to deal with.


The freshman conference is scheduled for the freshman admission season every five years. Although it is a freshman conference in name, it is in fact a re-ranking of the spiritual hall powerhouses.

All the top [-] in the Hall of Spirits came from all over the mainland to accept the challenge of new students, or to challenge for a higher ranking.

For the first time, Duanmuyi truly felt the strength of Xuanye Academy.

The dean, together with the three vice-principals, opened the protective cover around the martial arts arena, and built a spiritual bridge in mid-air to communicate the spirit hall and the martial arts arena.

According to Yu Tingsong, this spiritual power bridge can directly borrow the mysterious soul coercion in the Spirit Hall, which makes the whole competition process more severe and eliminates any possibility of opportunism.

When Duanmuyi heard the news, she couldn't help but smile wryly - this seemed to be even more detrimental to her.

The registration was carried out according to the team, Duanmuyi and the three girls in the same dormitory signed up together, and the team name was directly named after Shuying.

The competition process is divided into individual competition and team competition. The individual competition scores are converted into the team's total score, and the final top ten teams can also receive rewards provided by the academy.

Bai Tuantuan came over with the latest news, "I heard that the top ten in this team competition will get ten chances to enter the Spirit Hall!"

Shen Muxu and Lan Tingrui were very excited: "Why are you so generous this time, I heard that they didn't get this award a few times before."

"Xiaoyi, do you want to enter the top ten in the Spirit Hall!" Bai Tuantuan leaned over and said, "If you can enter the top ten, our Shuying team will definitely win!"

Lan Tingrui patted her shoulder with a smile: "Don't put so much pressure on Xiaoyi."

Shen Muxu also said: "That's right, whether you can enter or not is an honor!"

Duanmuyi changed hands and took out four wooden badges from the spirit ring, each person's name was engraved on them, and the word "Shuying" was written on the back.

"Here I added my soul power and a trace of spiritual fire, which can save my life at critical moments. This can also be regarded as our team emblem, and I give it to you."

The three girls took their own one after another, and the four of them pinned the team badge to their chests at the same time, looked at each other and smiled: "Shuying will win!"

"What sparse shadow?" A person suddenly jumped out from the side and looked at Bai Tuantuan's chest, "Wow, is this your team emblem? It's so unique, was it made by Miss Duanmu? Can you help us also?" make one?"

Talking so much, you don't need to look to know it's Lan Yao.

Duanmuyi looked behind Lan Yao, and sure enough Dikongxuan was standing not far away.

He was still wearing the academy uniform, the satin brocade made of heavy sand made the whole uniform fit his figure perfectly, making him look tall and handsome with broad shoulders and thin waist.But the spot of cinnabar between his eyebrows has become the most beautiful stroke on his facial features, stunning but not evil.

Bai Tuantuan covered his chest and blushed: "Where are you looking!"

(End of this chapter)

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