kiss Ann, sweet wife

Chapter 173 Annoying Scheming Whore

Chapter 173 Annoying Scheming Whore
Lu Sichen thought of Bai Jiujiu's women's clothing last time. Although it was ancient and not very beautiful, it had a suffocating charm.

Bai Jiujiu seems to have a kind of attractive magic power, his appearance is not amazing, but he can be found in the crowd at a glance.

Belonging to the natural beauty rather than the delicate beauty of the Internet.

Commonly known as Internet celebrity face, it looks beautiful, but it has no own characteristics.

In fact, many people now like to undergo surgery to cut into that kind of delicate and beautiful face, resulting in face blindness, as if they were all carved out of a mold.

Gradually lose yourself, lose yourself.

"I didn't expect you to be quite small, but you have trained your pectoral muscles well."

Lu Sichen's casual words made Bai Jiujiu cough twice, to cover up his embarrassment, "It's okay."

Seeing Lu Sichen staring at her chest, Bai Jiujiu restrained the urge to slap her face, "I... sleep on that bed."

Just about to leave, Lu Sichen hugged him, "Sleep together."

How can two people sleep comfortably in a small bed of 1.5 meters?

Bai Jiujiu listened to Lu Sichen's shallow breathing, closed his eyes, and unknowingly fell into a deep sleep, and had no dreams all night.

When I woke up the next day, I found that Lu Sichen was gone, and my heart was inexplicably empty.

Today is Bai Jiujiu's last day of filming. When he finished washing up and went out to welcome the new sunshine, he also saw Yi Xuelan, the person he least wanted to see on the set.

This person is so lingering, he is chasing after him!

Bai Jiujiu admired him from the bottom of his heart.

Seeing Yi Xuelan talking and laughing with Lu Sichen, the anger flared up again.

Han Xu who was not far away watched Bai Jiujiu hesitate to speak, Bai Jiujiu stepped forward to say hello to Han Xu, "Morning."

Hmph, let him chat with women, he won't chat with anyone!
Han Xu nodded, "Morning, last night... are you... all right?"

"Huh?'s okay." Bai Jiujiu wondered what could be the matter?

In fact, she didn't know that the sound insulation effect of the room was not good. The two people's involvement caused the bed to vibrate vigorously, and it was inevitable that someone accidentally heard the corner and pointed behind her.

What else did Han Xu want to say, but Lu Sichen's tall stature was directly inserted between the two of them.

"You were so tired last night, you woke up so early?"

Lu Sichen's words caused Bai Jiujiu to spit out the sip of water he just drank, and choked on it!

Cough cough cough!What did you say!
Sure enough, Bai Jiujiu noticed strange eyes suddenly shot from all around, and whispered.

There must be a misunderstanding!

"Jiujiu, what a coincidence?" Yixuelan stood aside and greeted Bai Jiujiu with a smile.

"It's really a coincidence. I didn't know that I thought Ms. Yi deliberately created the encounter, just like shooting an idol drama." Gentleman Bai Jiujiu smiled back.

She never thought that Yi Xuelan would also chase after her.

Who can't act, so what about the first sister?She's not bad either.

"No, I came directly to look for Ah Chen, and worried that he would be deceived by someone with a heart." Yi Xuelan didn't show the slightest bit of anger on her face, on the contrary she was confident.

Bai Jiujiu frowned, is she mocking her with words?
"Miss Yi Xuelan is the lover in your film. Originally, the director just asked someone to stand there to act as a back view, but I didn't expect that Miss Yi would take the initiative to help. It was really unexpected."

Han Xu explained the situation to Bai Jiujiu, and then turned around the two of them, "But you seem to know each other?"

Bai Jiujiu didn't make a sound, and let out a cold snort in his heart.

Offer to help?I'm afraid there is no scheming!
 PS: Thank you cutie for your support. I take all the comments, votes, check-ins, and likes into my eyes and keep them in my heart. The space is limited, so I can’t name them one by one. Thank you cutie for your support one by one here, love you!

(End of this chapter)

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