Chapter 1735

He leaned back and said slowly, "She can handle it."

the sixth time!
Duanmuyi leaned against the wall and exhaled slowly, wiping a trace of blood from the corner of his mouth.

She fought this Nianhua Buddha for the sixth time, and finally figured out some tricks.

——Although this Nianhua Stupa is ferocious, in fact, the total number of attack methods is so small, and there is not much change. To win it, you still have to be clever.

"Ahhhhhhh..." Jiang Wuya's voice came from behind the table not far away.

Duan Muyi looked up and saw that Nianhua Futu was stepping on Jiang Wuya's leg, raised the crabapple branch in his hand, and stabbed at his chest.

"Help—" Jiang Wuya screamed.

"..." Duanmuyi kicked on the wall and flew forward, the spiritual power in his hands shook, and countless vines grew wildly from the ground, wrapping around Nianhuafutu's waist and hands.

She pulled the vines, forcing Nianhua Futu to raise his feet.

"Come on!"

Jiang Wuya moved his butt, and ran towards the gate of the Stupa.

Unexpectedly, Duanmuyi was faster than him, and slammed on the door lintel with a bang, and immediately collapsed the door exaggeratedly.

Jiang Wuya was dumbfounded.

"Ahem..." Duanmuyi got up from the ruins, shook his sore arm, and said expressionlessly, "This road is dead."

"...I know." Jiang Wuya responded dryly.

Nianhua Futu has already walked towards this side, the begonia flower branch in his hand is accumulating red light, it seems that he has held back a big move.

Duan Muyi stood up, grabbed Jiang Wuya's wrist, and immediately dragged him towards the wooden ladder leading to the second floor.

Jiang Wuya's injuries were much worse than hers, and she dragged her back without knowing how serious it was.

With a bang, the crabapple branch fell behind the two of them, missing half of Jiang Wuya's leg by an inch.

The two finally rushed up the wooden ladder, went up to the second floor in one breath, and collapsed on the ground.

"Chasing, did you catch up..." Jiang Wuya asked panting.

Duanmuyi glanced back, and was facing the smiling face of Shangnianhuafutu who was stuck at the entrance of the stairs, his brows were kind and his eyes were solemn, but no matter how he looked at it, there was an evil spirit.

Rao even she couldn't help but her scalp exploded, and she immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

"It didn't come up."

Jiang Wuya breathed a sigh of relief, he had no strength left.

Duan Muyi got up and looked around, there was also a pagoda enshrined on the second floor, it was a multi-eyed pagoda, with seven eyes on a majestic face.

She tried to get a little closer, and seeing that the Duomu Stupa did not move, she knew it was safe.

It seems that Futu's killing spree needs to trigger a certain mechanism.

"Today...thank you very much..." Jiang Wuya said awkwardly.

"Oh, no need." Duan Muyi turned his head, and with a wave of his hand, the vines bound him tightly.

Immediately, the spiritual power transformed into a long sword, which touched his neck.

"you lose."

Jiang Wuya: "..."

He is thanking you!At such a tender moment, the two of them should have a good chat for the rest of their lives!Why is this woman not playing cards according to common sense at all!

The foreground began to collapse, the pagoda gradually disappeared, a gust of wind blew the sand, and after a while, the noise of the auditorium came to my ears again.

Duanmuyi lifted the vines and saw his ranking displayed on the crystal screen, so he didn't stay any longer and walked out of the arena directly.

Jiang Wuya was seriously injured, and he was carried down by a few members of the student union.

(End of this chapter)

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