Chapter 1737

The next day, Duanmuyi challenged the No. 40 nine again and narrowly won.

But after this battle, there was an opportunity for a breakthrough.

"You look like your spiritual power is leaking, I'm afraid you are going to break through." Lan Tingrui said, "Let's go, find a place, and we will protect you."

Duanmuyi was about to nod when a person walked by.

Shen Muxu blushed slightly: "Teacher Yu..."

Yu Tingsong smiled gently, greeted them one by one, and said immediately: "Go to the pharmacy, I will protect the law for you."

Duanmuyi was stunned for a moment, at this time Dikongxuan was participating in the team competition, and she couldn't come out for a while, it was best to have Yutingsong protecting her.

Although she didn't want to owe him anything, she also knew that this was not the time to hesitate.

Convenience nodded: "Then trouble Teacher Yu."

Yu Tingsong's expression remained unchanged, and he said with a slight smile: "Go and talk to the referee's seat, so as not to put you in the team competition again. Here, I will take her there."

Shen Muxu nodded again and again, happily dragging the other two away.

The two rushed to the teaching area, without talking all the way, until they entered the alchemy room, Duanmuyi sat cross-legged in the middle of the Eight Diagrams diagram.

Yu Tingsong put some restraints to isolate the surrounding area, and then went out, leaving the space for her.

Duanmuyi took a deep breath, got rid of distracting thoughts, and entered a state of meditation.

The spiritual power in her body is running crazily, all she has to do is to try to control these spiritual powers, and use them to wash the meridians over and over again.

A blue-green nebula and a silver-white nebula rotate at the same time in the dantian. There are many stars in the blue-blue nebula, and a dark green full moon looms in the middle; while in the silver-white nebula, lightning shuttles, thunder clouds billow, terrifying The power of thunder and lightning is rolling.

These are her dual bloodlines, from the Spirit Race and the Monster Race.

She has practiced for so long, but she has never figured out how her dual bloodlines were formed. Maybe she will know when she has practiced for a long time.

Her thoughts sank, and the powerful soul power was like an invisible giant hand, grabbing those scurrying spiritual powers, forcibly pulling them to the meridian route, and running along her own kung fu.

Gradually, the abundant spiritual power around the pharmacy gathered towards her body.

A powerful breath erupted from her body like a waking monster.

Yu Tingsong was stunned, his eyes moved slightly - this breath...

All of a sudden, the elixir flowers and plants in the entire area of ​​the pharmacy began to grow wildly, and they were already higher than the courtyard wall in a short while.And because of the restraint laid down by Yuting, they began to entangle each other within the restraint, forming a green dome in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, a terrifying hot wind swept out from the house.

"It's broken..." Yu Tingsong didn't have time to react, and the whole room of the pharmacy was turned into a pile of ashes under the high temperature of the spiritual fire.

Fortunately, all his medicinal materials and tools were safely preserved by him in his exclusive cabinet. It's a pity that some of his calligraphy and paintings have also disappeared.

This spiritual fire was released as soon as it was released, it was because Duanmu Yi failed to control the spiritual fire for a short time after he was promoted successfully.

"Eh..." Duanmuyi opened his eyes, and found himself sitting in the middle of a pile of ashes, with vegetation wrapped around his head, and the alchemy room was gone.

Seeing Yu Tingsong's astonished expression, she was a little embarrassed.

"Damaged things..." she said shyly, "I will compensate."

If it wasn't for such a unique place with abundant spiritual power for her to advance, I'm afraid she wouldn't be able to advance so easily.

(End of this chapter)

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