Chapter 1747

He raised his head and looked in all directions.

"Freshmen meeting, you must be here."

"Senior, please don't hesitate to see me!"

As his words fell to the ground, the auditorium buzzed into chaos.

yes!If you challenge the second place in the Spirit Hall, you can see this mysterious person!
Why didn't they think of it!
Thinking of this, everyone who thought Yang Long was unreasonably stupid suddenly looked at him with kindness.

This is simply taking a risk to satisfy everyone's curiosity.

Everyone stretched their necks, waiting to see where the mysterious second appeared from.

Even the people in the top ten seats couldn't help their curiosity.

However, nothing happened.

Yang Long waited on the spot for a while, and said: "Senior, is he unwilling to come forward? But the list of battles has already been displayed on the crystal screen, which shows that it is in accordance with the rules to challenge the senior! If the senior does not come forward, the seat will be given up in vain. next?"

He's using aggressive tactics.

The air froze.

After a while, there was a wave of fluctuation in the air.

A faint voice sounded in the air: "You lost."

Yang Long froze for a moment, then saw an extra footprint in front of him!
His pupils widened, and a sharp dagger pierced his shoulder.

"Who is it!" The audience looked at it one after another.

Except for the footprints that can prove that the second person has been here, no one has caught his figure!

"If you were the one facing the dagger, would you be able to avoid it?"

Such a thought emerged in everyone's mind.

Mo Chengyu narrowed his eyes: "Mahayana period?"

Coming and going without a trace, not because of any secret technique, but because the opponent's speed is too fast, approaching their cultivation base, and it is too late to capture the opponent's figure, and they have already lost.

On the court, Yang Long lost his mood.

Although he challenged, he lost without even seeing the opponent's face.

However, his emotions obviously cannot affect other people. In this battle, Yang Long will eventually serve as a foil, making the mysterious No. [-] reputation of the Spirit Hall even more prominent.

After this episode, everyone's eyes reluctantly turned away.

"God, look, it's a fog formation!" Someone exclaimed.

Just now everyone's attention was attracted by the Second Spirit Hall, perhaps except for Di Kongxuan and Di Dudu, no one noticed Duanmuyi's situation.

Duanmuyi did not expect that the random scene this time turned out to be a large fog formation.

In the past few days, she has already familiarized herself with all the scenes that have appeared in the Martial Arts Field in history. This fog formation has appeared twice in total, and no one has been drawn in the past hundred years.

Unexpectedly, she stepped on this grand prize again.

In fact, compared with the hidden reefs and pagodas, the fog formation scene is extremely low in danger, and it is not offensive in itself.

But the most dangerous thing is often not the scene itself, but the opponent.

What's more, this time the opponent is Mo Lingyu.

Duanmuyi didn't dare to take it lightly, the blue spiritual power spread out from the palm of her hand, and the countless inconspicuous weeds spread the information field in all directions under her feet, spreading to the limit she could reach.

There was no trace of Mo Lingyu.

Duanmuyi narrowed his eyes slightly—according to the past, the scene map of a single-player game is generally not too large. If there is no trace of Mo Lingyu in this range, then his range of activities is very small.

(End of this chapter)

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