Chapter 1763

Di Dudu inexplicably felt his hair stand on end, and keenly sensed that his father was about to die.


Mother, you are also paralyzed yourself, why don't you laugh at fifty steps and laugh at hundred steps?

"Dudu wait to see daddy." Di Dudu sensiblely wanted to be a peacemaker.

Duanmuyi was also very worried, so naturally he didn't refuse.The mother and son chatted for a while, Didudu couldn't sit still and left first.

Duanmuyi regained concentration, his mind sank into his dantian, and he saw the two halves of his dantian showing the gossip pattern, the blue-blue nebula and the silver-white nebula intertwined, vaguely showing the appearance of an ancient tree.

This was the sudden appearance in her dantian after she entered the middle stage of Huashen, she didn't even tell Di Kongxuan, she wanted to figure out what this thing was first.

Reminiscent of Di Kongxuan's phantom of the divine beast yesterday, and Mo Lingyu's Mo Yue that day, she vaguely guessed whether it belonged to her inheritance?

Her own spiritual power is close to thousands of spiritual things in the world, and it is the purest wood-type spiritual power, so it is probably inseparable from this ancient tree.

The two nebulae have faintly changed, and the Tai Chi pattern revolves around the ancient tree, and there is a faint tendency to merge.

The exercises are automatically run in the meridians, absorbing the spiritual energy around her body and using it for her own use, gradually strengthening the spiritual energy in her meridians, and finally flowing into her dantian.

Every level of promotion in the transformation stage requires a huge amount of energy. She is not in a hurry, dripping into a river, and she will always succeed.

Shensi exits the dantian, and then enters the sea of ​​consciousness.

Her sea of ​​consciousness is wider than that of ordinary powerhouses at the stage of transformation, and there seems to be waves bursting, reminiscent of a boundless ocean.Wrapped in white mist, an embryo was conceived in the sea of ​​consciousness.

I heard that one can enter another realm when the soul power is cultivated to the extreme.

She remembered that when she was in Cangyang Continent, she heard from Master Huochengshan in the Medicine Refining Tower that in the highest state of soul power cultivation, there was a person called Mustard Seed.

Entering the Mustard Seed Realm, one can transform into a Yuan Embryo, and at that point, as long as the Yuan Embryo does not die, even if the body dies, the body can be regenerated and resurrected again.

This is her biggest achievement these days, and also her biggest hole card.

The original tire has not yet formed, but it has already taken shape.

When Duanmuyi woke up from trance, the sky was getting dark, laughter and talking sounded outside the women's house, and the courtyard door of Shuying Building was pushed open, Lan Tingrui called her.

When the three of them walked in, Bai Tuantuan blushed with excitement, sat down beside her bed, and opened his spirit ring, and the contents inside covered most of the bed.

"Look! These are all prizes from our team competition!"

Duanmuyi raised his eyebrows, thinking that this is too generous, right? !
Their final result was No.7 in the team competition, and the prizes they got included two exercise books, four bottles of first-grade elixir, one bottle of lower-level spiritual elixir, ten elixir trees, and one monster pill. Not including monetary rewards, putting it outside the academy is enough to set up a small sect.

"This is yours." Shen Muxu took out another spirit ring and handed it to her, "The spirit ring was also given as a gift, and we didn't look at what's inside."

Duanmuyi took it over and fell down on the bed without any hesitation.

The three of them inhaled at the same time.

Bai Tuantuan looked at the card and murmured, "Is this the Sky Card? Am I reading it right?"

Duanmuyi raised her eyebrows, picked up the card, and saw her name engraved with gold powder on it.

(End of this chapter)

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