Chapter 1779

The two returned along the way they came from, but they ran into Mo Chengyu brothers before they had traveled far.

"It's really... It doesn't take much effort to get here." Mo Lingyu licked his lips, and the palm of his hand gleamed with black light.

Duanmuyi raised his eyebrows: "You want to do something here? Kill me?"

Mo Lingyu smiled evilly: "If you are willing to give me your spiritual pet, I can consider not killing you first."

"It turns out that the second son of the Moyue clan is no different from a beggar on the street. Oh, that's not true—if someone wants to beg for something, he still knows how to kneel down and beg, but your second son Mo is worse than a beggar. .” Duanmuyi mocked with a smile on his face.

If you just look at her smile, you might think she is talking about the weather with some close friend.

As everyone knows, if she is really angry, she will show this official, impeccable smile.

Mo Lingyu clenched his fists and was about to fight, but was stopped by Mo Chengyu.

Mo Chengyu turned his gaze around, landed on Duanmuyi, and asked probingly: "Is it true that you have the purest blood?"

"Whether it's true or not, you can't just make it up with a single sentence." Duanmuyi sneered.

Think she doesn't know there are other people hiding around?

If she naively said yes, wouldn't she be calling herself up?

Mo Lingyu sneered and said, "Do you think that people will believe you if you deny it?"

"Then what else?" Duan Muyi looked around, "Whether you believe it or not, you have already made a judgment in your heart. How can you care about my attitude?"

Everyone came out of the place where her eyes swept. It was a little awkward at first, but seeing more and more people, it became indifferent.

Standing not far from the right side, Lei Jiming asked in a deep voice, "Miss Duanmu, we have no malicious intentions. The Dijiang Clan acts aboveboard. Please trust me."

"Oh? Dikongxuan, who is this person, do you know him?" Duanmuyi sneered.

Of course she knew who this person was, but she pretended to be someone who was older, and Lei Jiming frowned slightly.

Di Kongxuan stood beside her silently, glanced at the man, and said lightly, "I don't know him."

Duanmu smiled: "Look, the third son of the Dijiang clan also said he didn't know you, what are you, can you still represent the Dijiang clan?"

Lei Jiming was slightly angry, and slowly clenched his fists.

"Oh, Miss Duanmu, the Dijiang clan are all rough, if you listen to what they say, you will definitely suffer." Lan Xun stood up with a smile, "Let's go back to the Canghai clan with me, you are not as good as us. The relationship between the patriarch is good, we will definitely not embarrass you."

Duanmuyi laughed softly: "I know your young patriarch, but if you have the ability, please ask your young patriarch to tell me."

A trace of disdain flashed across Lan Xun's eyes, and he also smiled: "The young patriarch came, but he couldn't find anyone, so he probably stayed on the shore. In this way, Miss Duanmu agreed?"

"I would like to agree, this... uncle who looks greasy and talks greasy, why don't you ask other people if they agree or not?" Duanmuyi said with a smile.

The corners of Lan Xun's eyes twitched—he thought that his appearance was worthy of the word "suave and suave", but how could it become greasy in this woman's mouth?
People around are snickering.

"What nonsense are you talking to her? Do you really think that she will go with you after just a few words?" Mo Lingyu snorted aside, his strange-colored pupils flickering coldly, "If you want to get the pure blood, you have to rely on your own ability. .”

(End of this chapter)

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