Chapter 1783

It turned out to be true!
Duanmuyi was about to go down to find out what was going on, when suddenly there was a wave of water behind her, and a hand was placed on her shoulder.Her expression froze, her spiritual sense was released, and she was about to attack.

A voice came into her ears: "It's me."

"Dikongxuan!" Duanmuyi immediately withdrew his spiritual consciousness and turned his head to look.

A colorless spiritual fire burned on his body, and the transparent flame twisted and danced in the pitch-black water, as if it was twisted by the power of time and space.

Up, down, left, and right, there is silence on all sides.

In the darkness, he withdrew his spiritual fire and held her in his arms.

Duanmuyi's domain spirit fire was released, protecting the two of them.

"I knew you would come down—well..." Before she could finish her sentence, she was blocked by Di Kongxuan.

God knows how much he wanted to kiss her. From the time he left the customs to now, there were so many people, and he was divided into two groups. The pain of lovesickness in his heart was hard to relieve, and finally he waited for this opportunity.

He clasped her waist tightly, deepening the kiss, trying to crush, swallow, and swallow her.

His chest was hot and hard, and his desire was vigorous and powerful. Duan Muyi leaned into his arms, feeling that he had nowhere to escape and was extremely at ease.

"Okay...well...well, someone is coming..." Duanmuyi's spiritual sense was the first to sense another breath.

Di Kongxuan bit her lips, then let go of her contentedly, broke the bondage of the black moon light on her body, and pulled her towards the palace below.

The palace was silent in the water for an unknown number of years. I thought there would be a restriction, but unexpectedly found that there was no one at all, and there was no obstacle when I entered.

There is a huge square in front of the palace, with many black scales scattered, presumably it should be the place where Xuan Snake practiced.

However, there are no other places. The black snake is only coiled in the square, and has never entered any room.

Have you never thought about it, or dare not?
Duanmuyi made his deduction: "The caves of the powerful in the Mahayana period cannot be opened to the public in such a grand manner. Those rooms that even black snakes dare not touch... In short, the quieter the place, the more dangerous it is."

Di Kongxuan nodded.

"They..." He glanced at the lake behind and said, "They want to test you."

Duanmu raised his eyebrows: "Test me?"

"The Mo tribe said that you have the pure blood, some people will believe it, and some people will not believe it. Under the shackles of the light of the black moon, you fell into the great lake again. They want to test you here in the name of saving you Is there any pure blood? If not, I will save you ashore and win a good name. If so, the lake is deep, and a few students will die every time there is a big competition."

As Di Kongxuan said, he clenched his fists: "I didn't think carefully about these things. When Mo Lingyu proposed to cooperate, I should have thought something was wrong."

It turned out that it was Mo Lingyu who proposed the cooperation. No wonder Duanmuyi thought that if Di Kongxuan had proposed it, why would Mo Lingyu be so talkative.

It turned out to be a conspiracy with other purposes.

Duanmuyi sneered: "It's a pity they didn't expect that there is a Dan River in the Lower Realm Continent they look down on. I have been tortured in the Dan River for a hundred days, and I have long been invulnerable to all poisons. How could you do nothing to get me."

"If they chase you, you won't be able to fight back." Di Kongxuan said helplessly.

Duanmuyi then told him about how he cultivated out of Yuantai.

This time really frightened Di Kongxuan.

(End of this chapter)

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