Chapter 1793

Duan Muyi leaned against the door frame and asked: "It is rumored everywhere that I am pregnant with the pure blood, don't you doubt it?"

Yu Ting lowered his eyes and smiled slightly: "If I had doubted it, I would have attacked you as early as when you first arrived in the mainland and were seriously injured."

"I remember that at the registration office of the Ascended, Mr. Ge Ya even tried to kill me." Duanmu said with a smile.

Yuting pursed her lips, her eyes were soft but firm: "I won't let them hurt you."

Duanmuyi straightened up, stepped back half a step, bowed and saluted: "Then there will be Mr. Laoyu."

She actually wanted to go to the Alchemy Department to take a look, the legendary highest hall for alchemists.Yu Tingsong was in charge of a branch hall alone at a young age, which shows his superb alchemy skills.

She is also very interested in the rumored Yu Qiongshan, the patriarch of the Baicao Clan and the head of the Medicine Refining Department.

"Yu Qiongshan?" Di Kongxuan put his hand on her shoulder and said casually, "He is an extremely rigid, rigorous and boring person."

Duanmuyi was stunned for a moment: "Have you seen him?"

"Before I came to the academy to report, my second brother took me to the Baicao clan." Di Kongxuan frowned slightly, obviously not wanting to mention it, "At that time he said that there were two ways to cure my amnesia, one was to stay in his After three years there, there is a [-]% chance of recovery. The other way... is to come to the academy."

Obviously he chose the second option.

"What does the academy have?" Duanmu asked.

Di Kongxuan raised his chin, facing north.

"Soul Hall, Longevity Fire."

But only a [-]% chance.

Di Kongxuan didn't say anything, because he felt that his choice was extremely correct, and there was her here.If he stayed in the Baicao Clan at that time, it would be regarded as regaining his memory. Where should he go to find her in the huge Xuanye Continent?

Duanmuyi sighed: "It seems that it is not useful yet?"

Di Kongxuan lowered his eyes and said coolly: "Are you in a hurry?"

"...No way!" Duanmu Yi hurriedly complained, "I also care about you."

Di Kongxuan snorted, and asked again: "When are you going to the Seventh Place?"

"In two days, what's the matter?" Duanmu asked.

Di Kongxuan coughed dryly, and said, "It's nothing, let's talk about it after you go."

Duanmu said: "???"

Brother, you are suddenly so shy and coy, I am very panicked!
Di Dudu wanted to come and see her early in the morning, but as soon as she came back, she went to the Spirit Hall for another three months of retreat, which made Xiao Baozi very resentful.

Finally squatting down to her at the gate of Shuying Building, Di Dudu was still angry and refused to give her a good face.

Duanmuyi hugged him and kissed him twice, the baby fat on Xiao Baozi's face faded away, he became more youthful, and also had a rare handsomeness.

"My dear son, do you want to kiss your mother?"

Di Dudu snorted, as proudly as his father: "No."

"But mother misses you so much." Duanmuyi pinched his cheek and pulled him in.

Three days later, Duanmuyi followed Yutingsong to the Seventh Office of the Medicine Refining Department.

The Alchemy Department is divided into ten offices, seven of which are set up in the main city under the jurisdiction of Xuanye Academy, which belong to places other than the seven major tribes.

Yu Tingsong seldom came to the Seven Division, but he was only a nominal director, but basically everyone here knew him and saluted him when they saw him.

Yu Tingsong greeted everyone in the Seventh Department of the Alchemy Department all the way, and walked inward with Duan Muyi without stopping until...

(End of this chapter)

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