Chapter 1799

Find out the cause of death of the previous captain, and complete the tasks that the previous captain did not complete.

Back and forth, at least two months.

Duanmuyi didn't say much, and didn't even go to see him off, because she knew very well that Dikongxuan was more than enough to deal with these things at present.

Two days after Di Kongxuan left, Duanmuyi received an order.

"Long Xuan Pill?" Duan Muyi pinched the prescription, looked at the person who delivered the letter, raised his eyebrows slightly, "Long Xuan Pill is just a first-grade elixir, and there are not a few alchemists who can refine it in the whole continent... Do you know me? conditions of?"

The man seemed to be a servant, with a flattering smile, he half-raised his head and said: "Of course the master knows, the prescription has been given to you, and there are three copies of the medicine, all of which are here." A spirit ring.

Duan Muyi raised his hand and sucked the spirit ring into his palm. After scanning it with his spiritual sense, he knew that the soul imprint on the spirit ring had been erased. In addition to three sets of medicinal materials, there was also a box of gold, silver and jewelry.

Her eyes moved slightly, obviously understanding.

The servant continued: "I will give you the spirit ring as well, and our master also agreed to the third condition you mentioned."

"It's interesting." Duanmuyi was not polite, put away the spirit ring directly, took a sip of tea, and then asked, "Which family is your main family?"

The servant became more respectful: "Shensha clan, Song family."

Although the Xuanye Continent is broadly divided into seven major tribes, apart from the main family, each tribe also has other small families attached to it. These small families are similar to the tribe's affiliates, paying tribute all the year round and protected by the tribe.

However, Duanmuyi only came to Xuanye Continent for only two years, and spent most of the time in retreat, so she didn't know much about the Song family that this servant was talking about.

After the servant left, she went straight to Bai Tuantuan's room, saw her lying on the bed reading a book and dozing off, she couldn't help laughing.

Bai Tuantuan forced himself to say: "When the weather is hot, I feel sleepy, and I can't learn anything."

"This is for you." Duanmuyi took out a small green plant from his spirit ring, cast a spell and planted it on the window sill, "Ice Snow Grass, when you are sleepy, pick a leaf and make tea, it can wake you up for a whole day." day."

Bai Tuantuan sat up: "Is there anything you can do for me?"

"You are from the Shensha tribe, do you know the Song family of the Shensha tribe?" Duanmuyi asked.

Bai Tuantuan nodded: "The Song family and my Bai family are both affiliated families of the Shensha tribe. There are at least dozens of such families in the Shensha tribe, which is inconspicuous. But the Song family has a Song Aotian. But he is extremely talented, so he is valued by our family even more."

Duanmu raised his eyebrows, he and Song Aotian belonged to the same family.

Could it be that this Dragon Profound Pill is for Song Aotian?
After thinking about it again, it is impossible, the Dragon Profound Pill is only effective for the monks in the golden core stage, Song Aotian is already in the transformation stage, and eating a hundred Dragon Profound Pills is at best for strengthening the body.

But if it wasn't for Song Aotian, who else in the Song family would be worthy of such a high price, just for a Dragon Profound Pill?
This is also a question that Duanmuyi can't understand.

Since it has already been asked to her head, why only let her practice Longxuan Dan?Is it just to show her favor?Duanmuyi absolutely does not believe that there are things in this world that don't ask for anything in return, especially these aristocratic families.

(End of this chapter)

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