Chapter 1806

For her own task, she immediately sacrificed her spirit sword and stood in front of her.

Duanmuyi closed his eyes, the fluorescent particle penetrated the window paper, flew into the second floor, searched two rooms, and finally found Hua Guirong.

Hua Guirong was lying on the bed, already soundly asleep.

The fluorescent light lingered for a moment, and got into the center of her eyebrows.

Hua Guirong felt unwell, and Mengli frowned slightly.

In her dream, she was swimming in the lake with Jiang Shao. The sky was high and the clouds were wide, and the river was calm. Jiang Shao held her shoulders with one hand and was painting for her.

The cruise ship swayed, and Hua Guirong in the dream looked back, but saw Duan Muyi standing at the stern, looking at herself playfully.

She frowned slightly, obviously she didn't expect that she would dream of Duanmuyi, so she couldn't help saying disgustedly: "Get out!"

Duanmuyi walked slowly, the boat shook, but she stood still.

"It turns out that you like Young Master Jiang, and you even fantasize about these things in your dreams."

Hua Guirong blushed slightly after being peeked into her inner thoughts, and immediately thought that she was in a dream, so what if she was known, since no one would know after waking up.

She raised her chin and sneered, "So what? Just right, since you're here, I'll kill you hundreds of times in my dreams to relieve my hatred."

Duanmuyi was already standing in front of her, and Jiang Shao in the dream also stood up and stood in front of Hua Guirong.

"Jiang Shao" frowned, and said flatly: "If you are sensible, get out, or you will die."

Duanmuyi laughed out loud: "Young Master Jiang in reality wouldn't say such things, Hua Guirong, do you have a limit when you care about obscenity?"

It was Hua Guirong who answered her with a cold snort.

She felt that this was in her dream, and the appearance of Duanmuyi was just her own dream, and she could kill it with a single thought.

"Hmph, when the shameless things about you and Teacher Yu get out tomorrow, I'll see how you stand in front of others." After Hua Guirong said, she raised her hand.

As she raised her palm, a huge wave suddenly broke out on the calm river.

The blue sky and white clouds dissipated in the blink of an eye, turning into dark clouds and thunderstorms.

This is the danger of dreaming.

The dream is composed of the dreamer's thoughts, and can change arbitrarily with the dreamer's thoughts, which is similar to a small world constructed by the dreamer.

If Duanmuyi can't kill her, she will kill her in a dream.


Duanmuyi bent his lips, revealing a mocking smile.

Her spiritual consciousness has entered the Mustard Seed Realm, this kind of dream is nothing but an illusion, and the illusion cannot affect her at all.

She smashed it with a wave of her hand, and the violent wind, huge waves and thunder disappeared in the blink of an eye.

The surroundings fell into a gray silence, and all the scenes disappeared. Hua Guirong obviously didn't expect this to happen, and suddenly fell to the ground.

"No, no, no... This is a nightmare, this is a nightmare..." She struggled hard, trying to wake up.

Little did he know that her consciousness had been completely occupied by Duanmuyi, and even waking up became a luxury.

"You—" Hua Guirong wanted to say something, but suddenly her eyes widened.

Immediately afterwards, she in the dream suddenly fell apart and turned into pieces.

Whether it was begging for mercy or threatening words, they all dissipated.

Duanmu didn't want to hear her nonsense, not even a single word.

In the grove, Lan Tingrui's spirit was tense to the extreme, the weather was already hot, she was already sweating, but she didn't dare to move, for fear of being discovered or causing trouble to Duanmuyi.

(End of this chapter)

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