Chapter 1809

They knew it, and no one else could.

Otherwise, it would be causing trouble for Duanmuyi.

While talking, there was a knock on the courtyard door.

Di Mingkun's voice came from outside: "Duanmu's intention?"

The knock on the door came suddenly, and because of the identity of the person who came, Shen Muxu couldn't help but shrink back, and said in a low voice: "It's over, could it be—"

Duanmuyi got up, and said calmly: "What is it? Aren't you guys still going to class today? You all go. The second son of the emperor is Dikongxuan's elder brother, I will go back as soon as I go."

She interrupted Shen Muxu, and used her calm attitude to stabilize the hearts of the three of them.

After all, they are all strong men in the transformation stage, and it's not that they don't have a life in their hands, it's just that Hua Guirong's status is higher, so he panicked for a while.

After calming down, the three of Shen Muxu could finally pretend that they didn't know anything.

Duanmu straightened his wrinkled clothes and went out the door.

Di Mingkun was the only one outside the door. He was still wearing the uniform of the Law Enforcement Team, and his back was straight, just like his weapon, the big knife. He was not good at speaking, but tall and straight as a mountain.

Seeing her coming out, Di Mingkun's expression was not at all gentle, and he said in a business-like manner: "The law enforcement team has something to do, you can come with me."

Duanmuyi nodded: "Please."

Originally, the law enforcement team could just send someone here, but Duan Muyi knew that he was looking for Di Kongxuan's face, so he came to invite him in person.

Otherwise, if the subordinates don't know the seriousness and offend her, it will inevitably cause more trouble.

This is the first time Duanmuyi has entered the office area of ​​the law enforcement team. It looks no different from an ordinary classroom, except that the tables and chairs are messy, a pile of documents are scattered on the table, and several deputy captains of the law enforcement team gather around to discuss case.

Seeing them coming in, several people stood up at the same time: "Captain."

Di Mingkun nodded expressionlessly, then said, "Come with me."

Duanmuyi followed into his exclusive office, Di Mingkun waved his hand and set up a small restriction to prevent outsiders from eavesdropping and peeping.

"Do you have anything to say about Hua Guirong?" Di Mingkun cut straight to the point.

Duanmuyi's expression was flat: "I heard that she died."

Di Mingkun stared at her coldly, and a mountain-like oppressive feeling came over her head, which made her whole body stagnate, and she was forced to break out in cold sweat.

She looked back calmly and smiled: "What do you mean?"

"How did she die?" Di Mingkun asked.

Duanmuyi: "Investigate the cause of death, isn't this the job of your law enforcement team?"

"So I'm here to ask you."

"I do not know."

"Last night, from midnight to Yin time, where were you?"

"Shuyinglou, together with Lan Tingrui."

"But someone saw that you didn't go back until three o'clock."

Duanmuyi's heart skipped a beat, she was already very careful, did she really leave a flaw?

She replied almost immediately: "Impossible, I just woke up to meditate at three o'clock in the morning."

Di Mingkun stared at her deeply, and said after a while: "Do you get up at three o'clock at Yin time to meditate every day?"

Saying that, the oppressive feeling receded.

Duanmuyi knew that he had made the right bet.

She has absolute confidence in her soul power, even if she was already exhausted at that time, it was impossible for her to miss the situation around her.

When she and Lan Tingrui went back, they obviously didn't bump into anyone.

So she bet that Emperor Mingkun was making a fraudulent confession.

Thoughts are fleeting, she...

(End of this chapter)

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