Chapter 1811

What?Di Kongxuan has already paid homage to marry a wife? !
"What nonsense are you talking about?" Di Mingkun gritted his teeth.

Duanmuyi still wanted to speak, but a man's cold voice came from outside the door: "She's not talking nonsense."

Saying that, the door was pushed open, and the dusty Di Kongxuan walked in.

His eyes fell on Duan Muyi, and he was relieved to see that she was safe and sound, then turned to look at Di Mingkun, and said coldly: "Second brother, let her go back."

Duanmuyi walked out of the law enforcement team and waited at the door for a while.

Not long after, Di Kongxuan also came out, seeing that she was still there, he was not surprised, stepped forward, pulled her into his arms without saying a word, and hugged her tightly.

"Don't move, let me hold you for a while..."

Duanmuyi let him hold her.

It was the end of get out of class time. Although the serious and rigid atmosphere of the law enforcement team made many students stay away, there were also many students passing by after class, so they all saw this scene.

Duanmuyi didn't intend to cover up anymore, her own husband, there was nothing to cover up.

Coincidentally, Di Kongxuan also thought so.

"Why did you come back early? Didn't you say it would take two months?" Duanmu Yi asked after waiting for a while.

Di Kongxuan let go of her, pinched her cheek, and said, "I miss you."

Duanmuyi was happy, so he went up to him and kissed him.

The two walked along the tree-lined road to the dormitory area, Di Kongxuan planned to go back to take a bath, Duanmuyi accompanied him back to Zizhuyuan.

Lan Yao also just came back from get out of class, and when she saw the two of them appearing at the same time, she let out a strange cry.

"Brother Kongxuan, you're back!" He hurriedly cleaned up the messy living room, and said while tidying up, "I'm so bored these days when you're not here. Fortunately, I can find a few classmates to drink and chat with in my spare time. You I came back in time, and it will be a long vacation every two years in a short time, so you guys want to go—"

When Lan Yao turned around, there was no one behind her.

He knelt down and muttered, "Where did you go?"

In Di Kongxuan's room on the second floor, a bucket of hot water was emitting white mist. Di Kongxuan sat naked in it, tilted his head back slightly, and breathed out comfortably.

Duanmuyi poured some medicine for relaxing tendons and activating blood into the water, then picked up a cotton cloth from the side and wiped his body.

Di Kongxuan squeezed her wrist: "Why bother you to do these things."

"Lie down." Duanmuyi pushed him to lie on the side of the bathtub, "I'm not always willing to wipe your back for you, today you are in a good mood, so you can have fun secretly."

"If you have a wife like this, what more can a husband ask for?" Di Kongxuan's voice was low and alluring, like a jar of mellow wine.

After washing, Di Kongxuan changed into a thin shirt, and walked to the window with his chest open.

Duanmuyi took a dry cotton cloth to wipe his hair.

His hair is soft and smooth, even better than hers. Duanmu rubbed it half-dry, and leaned against him to play with his hair. When he got excited, he couldn't help but braid it.

Di Kongxuan turned his head and looked over as if aware of it: "What are you doing?"

Duanmuyi calmly put his ponytail back and hooked it around his neck: "It's nothing, I helped you with your hair."

"Huh?" Di Kongxuan felt that something was wrong, but before he raised his hand to touch it, Duanmuyi lowered his neck and raised his head to kiss him.

With the warm and soft jade in her arms, and not seeing him for more than a month, Di Kongxuan was provoked by her almost instantly, so he didn't care about his hair.

(End of this chapter)

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