Chapter 1817

His eyes turned around Duanmuyi and Dikongxuan twice.

Di Kongxuan smiled calmly, Duanmuyi also smiled helplessly.

Only Mo Chengyu's gaze was still cold, turning around the two of them, snorted coldly, and looked away.

An elder said in a hoarse voice: "Although it can't prove that Miss Duanmu is suspected, it can't prove that she is innocent. I don't know if Miss Duanmu agrees. Let the old man use the soul search technique to borrow your memory from the night before yesterday?"

To cast the soul search technique, the caster needs to be completely voluntary and non-resisting, otherwise, if it is performed forcibly, the caster's spiritual consciousness will be shattered and the caster will become an idiot.

The elder who made this request is the most mysterious alchemist in the entire academy. It is rumored that his alchemy skills have reached the holy level, but he has never been certified by the Alchemy Division, so the entire Xuanye Continent knows that His was few and far between.

Duanmuyi also heard Yu Tingsong mention it once before, so when the elder mentioned it, she immediately thought of it.

Di Kongxuan frowned slightly, as if he wanted to say something, but when he caught a glimpse of the gentle smile on her face from the corner of his eye, he suddenly understood something, and stopped talking.

Sure enough, Duanmuyi nodded very politely: "As long as I can be innocent, everything is up to the elder's orders."

Mo Chengyu at the side looked up at her, a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes.

The vice president laughed first: "Then let's go, we'll wait for the news here."

Duanmuyi stood up and followed the elder out of the meeting room.

But half a moment later, the two came back one after the other, Duanmuyi asked the elder about refining medicine while walking, very humbly.

The elder was very excited, and said as soon as he entered the door: "Lao Yang, I finally have an apprentice."

The person who was called was another elder, who was also a reclusive expert. Duanmu didn't know him, but judging from the way they got along, they should have a very good relationship.

Everyone in the conference room was stunned.

The vice-principal gave Duanmu Yi a meaningful look, then said with a smile, "Congratulations to Elder Hu for his beloved disciple."

Elder Hu chuckled, changed his serious expression just now, and looked like a disciple who was busy with everything, making everyone speechless.

In the end, it was Mo Chengyu who stood up and asked in a cold voice: "Dare to ask Elder Hu, did the soul search technique produce results just now?"

"Ahem——" Elder Hu glared at him, "I know how to keep a cold face all day long, ruining the atmosphere. I just saw it, and she did sleep in the Shuying Building the night before yesterday. This is a photo recorded by Crystal Stone. You see Let's see."

He threw a crystal stone, like the one in the Martial Arts Field, and a picture was displayed on it, which was the scene of Duan Muyi and the others in the bar.

Then after coming out of the bar, Shen Muxu and Yutingsong were recruited one after another. Duanmuyi and the three sent them to Yutingsong's residence to refine medicine, and left Bai Tuantuan to take care of them. At three quarters of Yin time, get up and meditate...

Everything is no different from Duan Muyi's statement left in the law enforcement team.

"Okay, let's stop this matter. A girl doll who has returned to the clan will die as soon as she dies. How can this old man's apprentice be so precious." Elder Hu snorted, "I will let the old man hear that there are some people in the college Anyone who uses this matter to tarnish my apprentice's reputation will be in trouble with this old man."

Mo Chengyu's expression became more and more indifferent, and he walked away after a while.

(End of this chapter)

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