kiss Ann, sweet wife

Chapter 182 Unique Treatment

Chapter 182 Unique Treatment
Li Chuzhen nodded very satisfied, "Then the next second round will be the jury scoring mode, mainly based on your previous performance and temporary performances on stage."

Temporary performance is to face unknown challenges, and it will test the stability of skills and comprehensive ability.

In the first round, six people were eliminated at once, and the pressure on the remaining five people was even greater.
In addition, Li Chuzhen also announced an impromptu decision, from the initial set of top three to only one.

The next five people became rivals to each other.

Of course, this decision caused dissatisfaction among the remaining five people, but Tang Yijuan was not worried. She thought that with Yun Manni's help, she must be the only one admitted.

If there is a relationship or a background, the confidence is naturally different. The only thing she worries about is Bai Jiujiu. She is not as good as Bai Jiujiu in terms of strength and background.

There is only one quota, except for Bai Jiujiu, that quota must belong to him without a doubt.

"The second round will be held at nine o'clock tomorrow. I hope everyone will not be late, or they will be removed from the list." Li Chuzhen let everyone disband after leaving this sentence.

The competing students were chattering on the surface, but they were all planning their own calculations in their hearts, and they also saw the current situation clearly.

The fifth-ranked student intends to give up directly.

Miao Shuang, who is ranked third, has figured it out after going through so many things, and just work hard and let nature take its course.

Bai Jiujiu, who was ranked second, planned to go to Lu Sichen. It seemed that she would have infinite courage and confidence by his side.

Tang Yijuan, who was ranked fourth, planned to ask Yun Manni out directly to talk about her next plan.

The student Ai Xuanxuan, who has been ranked first from the beginning to the end, was unusually silent. No one paid attention to her, and her sense of existence seemed to be zero.

But no one knows that this small character with zero sense of existence will have to be underestimated in the future.

Even Bai Jiujiu used four words to describe her, hiding her secrets.

coffee shop.

After Tang Yijuan had almost finished a cup of cappuccino, Yun Manni arrived late.

"Sister Manny, what should I do? Bai Jiujiu passed the first level and was not dismissed."

Before Yun Manni sat down, she heard Tang Yijuan's anxious tone, and she didn't return her, but just gave her a sideways glance. The person in front of her was so restless, worse than Miao Shuang.

However, Bai Jiujiu was able to successfully pass the first level, which surprised her a bit.

It stands to reason that if Yi Xuelan made a move, Bai Jiujiu would not be able to clear the level, unless Yi Xuelan deliberately released water.

Sure enough, it is more reliable to go out by yourself, and it is time for this pawn to play her role.

Because of the ban on smoking, Yun Manni ordered a cup of black coffee for herself.

Tang Yijuan thought that Yun Manni didn't hear what she said clearly, so she repeated it again.

Yun Manni smiled sweetly, "I see, don't worry, don't forget that we have a handle on Bai Jiujiu, no matter how smooth she was before, it's over here, it's time to reveal her identity , let her never even think about entering the new world."

Tang Yijuan's face showed a hint of joy, thinking that she had confessed to Bai Jiujiu before, she was even more ashamed, I'm afraid she must have been laughing in her heart at that time, it was really hypocritical and disgusting to treat her like a monkey!
Thinking that she followed Bai Jiujiu like a clown before, Tang Yijuan was angry and annoyed, wishing that Bai Jiujiu would taste the bitter fruit immediately to vent her anger.

"But I need your help."

(End of this chapter)

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