Chapter 1821

Lan Tingrui seemed to have exhausted all her courage, so she blushed and hid aside to pretend to be an ostrich.

The flying monster was extremely fast, and after five days, it entered the territory of the Qingyue Clan and landed at the flying monster mark outside the main city of the clan.

There were chariots waiting here early on, and Duanmuyi was stunned by the formation in front of him when he got off the flying monster.

A total of five chariots, each of which can accommodate ten people, are pulled by six roe deer, and each roe is even covered with light rune soft armor, and the runes drawn can make driving faster and smooth.

A housekeeper with a mustache came forward and said with a smile: "The lady heard that the young master is bringing friends back, so she ordered the old servant to wait here early. Everyone, you have been tired all the way, please get in the car and rest."

Duanmuyi and Dikongxuan boarded one of the chariots, and as soon as they entered, they were frightened by the two maids kneeling inside.

The maids wore light gauze skirts, one of them lit the incense, ironed and washed the teacups, and the other took out two pairs of soft and comfortable shoes and asked them to change them.

Adhering to the idea of ​​doing as the Romans do, Duanmuyi and Dikongxuan changed their shoes one after another and sat in spacious seats.

It was fragrant and graceful, and the brewed tea was delivered to the two of them in good time.

The white porcelain cup is used, and the Yujiangchun black tea is brewed. The color is gorgeous, and it should be Yue Rushuang's favorite match.

Duanmuyi was once again taken aback by the "extravagant enjoyment" of the Qingyue Clan.

"It is said that four cars are enough for us. What is the last car?" Duanmu asked curiously.

The maid on the side replied softly: "That's the young master's mobile kitchenette."

Duanmu said: "..."

Well, it was poverty that limited her imagination.

All the way back to the Qingyue Clan's main house smoothly, the chariot entered directly through the side door and didn't stop until the third door.

When Duanmuyi got out of the car, he saw a beautiful woman standing in front of her. She couldn't tell her age. Although there were some fine lines at the corners of her eyes, it was hard to hide her innate beauty.

Yue Rushuang could already be called elegant and dignified, but the woman was somewhat similar to his appearance, but she was even more rounded, not only friendly, but also flaunting her noble status.

Yue Rushuang got out of the carriage and stretched herself: "Sister."

Sure enough, this person is the current patriarch of the Qingyue Clan, Qingyue, who is known as the longest-sleeved and dancing businesswoman in the whole continent.

Every patriarch of the Qingyue Clan is named Qingyue, and her original name was Yue Ruyan.

"Auntie!" Di Dudu jumped forward joyfully.

Qingyue frowned when she saw him, and gracefully bent over to hand him a glass bead: "I know you're coming back, so I'll tidy up your room early."

Didudu played with the glazed beads fondly, and said sweetly, "Thank you, Auntie!"

"Since you are here with the Qingyue Clan, let Brother Shuang take you to have fun. If you need anything, just ask Butler Song." Qingyue took Di Dudu's hand and walked inside.

Yue Rushuang smiled with downcast eyes, and followed.

Everyone entered one after another, and they were seated according to the host and guest.

Qingyue ordered the maid to serve tea, and said with a smile: "Everyone, don't be cautious, you are all classmates of Brother Shuang, so just call me sister together."

Yue Rushuang huddled on the exclusive armchair, and said lazily: "Let me introduce to my sister, you should know Yu Tingsong, these people are all freshmen of this year..."

Everyone greeted each other one by one, and after chatting for a few words, the accountant came to find...

(End of this chapter)

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