Chapter 1823

Inside a transparent crystal jar, the whole body is pitch black, because there is a restriction on the stage, so she can't feel the fluctuation of the medicinal power inside, just looking at the appearance, it is really a elixir with no merits.

"Just [-] gold coins? Are you crazy..." Someone complained in a corner of the auction hall.

Sure enough, no one bid for the auction. Although [-] gold coins are nothing to these people, but spending this money to buy a useless elixir, the people present are not so boring.

Di Kongxuan asked: "Do you want to buy it?"

Duanmuyi shook his head: "Forget it, it doesn't look like a good thing."

The auctioneer saw that no one was bidding, so he had to take it back.

At an angle that no one could see, the elixir jumped in the crystal jar and hit the jar wall.

Coming out of Chensha Auction House, Duanmu Yi was in good spirits, and went shopping with Di Kongxuan again.

The Qingyue clan's market is comparable to a big-name fair, and it is completely different from the markets in other places. All the things sold are more than twice the price of the outside world.

But Duanmuyi found that the things here are extremely exquisite and ingenious in workmanship, and it can be said that you get what you pay for.

She made a lot of money refining medicine some time ago, and now she took Di Kongxuan to go shopping and bought it happily.Rao Dikongxuan couldn't stand such a high-intensity shopping, and for the first time felt some sadness of being a man.

It wasn't until evening that Duanmuyi stopped shopping and took Dikongxuan to the teahouse.

There are more teahouses in the Qingyue Clan than restaurants, each teahouse has a storyteller, the decoration is exquisite, each has its own theme, it is really elegant and interesting.

The two of them entered the teahouse with the theme of night stars, and the light dimmed obviously as soon as they entered the door. There was a black spirit stone hanging at the entrance, and the fluorescent lights in it flickered, showing the appearance of a starry sky.

The storyteller is telling a story about a famous family in the history of the Qingyue Clan, in which love, hatred, and joy are intertwined. The plot is not novel, but when it comes to the depth of love, it is also heartbreaking.

The two found a corner and sat down. Duanmu squeezed his calf and said: "Throughout the ages, all the stories that can move people are often the same. It can be seen that human nature has been similar from ancient times to the present."

"Meet and know each other, parting and reuniting." Di Kongxuan said, "It seems that we are the same."

Duanmuyi smiled: "If you count carefully, who hasn't experienced parting several times? If you completely regard parting as a tragedy, it is not necessarily right. Sometimes parting is for a better reunion."

Di Kongxuan saw the gentle smile in her eyes through the dim and misty starlight.

His heart moved slightly, and he moved to her side, lifted her leg onto his own, and massaged her gently.

"I used to think that it doesn't matter if I can remember the past, as long as you are by my side." He said softly, "But now I suddenly want to restore my memory. Our past must be worth remembering." live."

Duanmuyi bent his lips and smiled: "Yes, there are many, many stories."

The snow bamboo shoot noodles in the tea house are made with chicken soup, some spiritual herbs are added to enhance the taste, and the noodles are also very chewy. The two of them ate a big bowl each before returning home.

The full moon hung high in the sky, and the vendors on the street began to withdraw one after another. The two passed a memorial archway along the main road, and all the noise around them disappeared, and the street was completely silent at night.

The two stopped almost at the same time.

(End of this chapter)

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