Chapter 1825

The strong and powerful branches built a huge barrier almost in the blink of an eye.

The palm print was slapped on the branch, the branch broke, the palm print dissipated, and the dust was scattered.

And in the middle of the dust, a figure emerged like a sword light, and dark blue spiritual power fell like leaves all over the sky, each with an unparalleled murderous intent.

The dust cleared, the branches disappeared, and the shadows fell to the ground.

Along with Duanmuyi, there were more than a dozen human heads.

At the same time, she used her spiritual consciousness to strangle and destroy the surviving spiritual consciousness of these cultivators, without giving them any chance of survival.

The remaining seven people were also injured by her spiritual power, but they rushed over bravely without fear of death.

Duanmuyi didn't have any extra compassion. He raised his hand and transformed into a long sword with spiritual power. The light of the sword sprinkled across the night sky like water, and with the rising of the spiritual fire, he beheaded all the remaining people.

When she stood on the long street and looked back, Di Kongxuan was standing under the crescent moon, reaching out to her.

Duanmuyi stepped forward and took his hand naturally.

It feels really good to fight side by side.

Not long after Mo Lingyu had fought against Di Kongxuan, he escaped.Di Kongxuan didn't go to hunt him down, it's not that he didn't want to kill him, it's just that the time didn't come.

The two hadn't gone far when they heard footsteps again.

Several people ran over from the corner, and Yu Tingsong took the lead.

"What's the matter, I just sensed a strong spiritual fluctuation here, did you fight?" Yu Tingsong looked behind the two of them, and he saw the messy stone road and the broken facades on both sides.

Duanmuyi briefly described the matter.

Everyone looked at each other.

After a long time, Lan Tingrui said: "Is the Mo clan crazy? They chose to directly attack the main city of the Qingyue clan?"

The seven major tribes have always maintained peace on the surface. Even if there is any struggle in the dark, it will never be brought to the surface openly.

It seems that this kind of direct invasion of the main city of the tribe to commit murder has not happened for hundreds of years.

"I always feel a little uneasy. Mo Lingyu dares to make such a move, I'm afraid he has nothing to fear." Duan Muyi said, "Go back first, and discuss it with Patriarch Qingyue."

After returning to the mansion, after hearing what they had said, Qingyue first called Steward Song and asked him to send someone to repair the damaged street.

"The Mo people have settled down a lot in recent years. I heard that the old fellow Mo Yinwen has been in seclusion for more than 30 years. If he suddenly made such a move, it must not end so easily." Qingyue took out a jade slip, " I'll check with the other patriarchs first, and I hope things aren't bad."

In the early morning of the next day, just as everyone had finished their breakfast, a maid came to send a message that Qingyue invited them to the living room.

You know what happened last night.

Everyone moved to the living room, Duanmuyi saw Qingyue's slightly gloomy expression as soon as he entered the door, and suddenly had an ominous premonition in his heart.

"Could it be that something happened to all ethnic groups?" Duanmu asked directly, ignoring the ceremony.

Qingyue motioned everyone to sit down, and then said: "The news is not too bad. The remaining five major tribes, the Dijiang, Shengling and Baicao tribes are not in crisis. The auction house in the main city of the Shensha tribe collapsed and lost There are quite a few valuable collections... As for the Canghai Clan—”

She glanced at Lan Yao who was sitting on the side.

Lan Yao raised her head in a daze: "What happened to the Canghai Clan?"

Qingyue said: "The patriarch's mansion of the Canghai Clan was assassinated last night, and the patriarch Lan Zhou...was seriously injured."

(End of this chapter)

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