Chapter 1827

No one is more aware of his own shortcomings than he.

Lan Tingrui's question at this time was out of kindness, and she wanted to stand up for him, but Lan Yao couldn't respond.

Duanmuyi frowned slightly, and immediately turned his spiritual consciousness, and parted a ray that invaded Lan Yao's eyebrows.

Lan Yao's complexion changed slightly, and she calmed down again after a while.

He looked at the two groups of people in front of him, his eyes had changed from being at a loss just now to a pool of deep water.

"What's going on? Why are you arguing here?"

Hearing his calm question, Lan Tingrui smiled knowingly, and retreated behind him.

The person who came to salute and say hello to him was Chen Guanshi, who was in charge of marking the flying monsters here. Hearing his question, he stepped forward and replied: "Young patriarch, Xue Chong brought people over, saying that the great elder asked them to take over. Mark the point here and order me to leave. It’s just that the mark of the flying monster is extremely important, and no one is allowed to intervene unless it is written by the patriarch himself. I refused to retreat, so there was a conflict.”

The one over there is Xue Chong. Hearing this, he just snorted and said, "Nowadays the patriarch's life and death are uncertain, and all important matters of the clan are decided by the elders. Could it be that the elders don't even have the right to appoint and dismiss a flying monster mark point?" Is it gone? Young patriarch, what do you think?"

Xue Chong looked at Lan Yao, and there was no respect on his face.

Lan Yao lowered her head and said nothing.

Xue Chong thought that his aura had overwhelmed him, so he couldn't help laughing smugly.

Chen Guanshi was in a hurry: "Young Patriarch, you must not be deceived by such small tricks, the Canghai Clan is counting on you!"

Xue Chong sneered: "Are you pointing at him? Young master Lan Xun is young and promising, isn't he hundreds of times better than our young patriarch? I don't know what the patriarch's vision is, maybe it's old eyes."

Chen Guanshi was furious: "How dare you speak insultingly to the patriarch!"

Seeing that the two groups of people were about to fight again, suddenly, Lan Yao raised her head, a cold light flashed in her eyes, suddenly raised her hand, and a strong palm wind swept out.

Immediately afterwards, there was another suction force, which sucked Xue Chong into his hand and strangled him by the neck.

And those people other than him were either killed or injured under his palm!

Chen Guanshi was stunned, and Xue Chong obviously didn't expect that this waste of the Canghai clan would have such a powerful cultivation base, and he would not be able to use half of his spiritual power in his hands.

So far, Xue Chong is still saying harsh words: "You dare to touch me?! I am the son-in-law of the Great Elder..."

Before he could finish his sentence, Lan Yao pinched his larynx directly with his fingers, and then the soul power swept up, strangling the spiritual consciousness that Xue Chong wanted to escape.

Seeing that Xue Chong, who was in the early stage of becoming a god, couldn't even make a move in his hands, the people Xue Chong brought got up and fled one after another.

But Lan Yao didn't give them this chance, one step forward, the majestic soul power spread like waves, and quickly took control of these Nascent Soul stage thugs.

A thought, then strangle directly.

Only the last person remained.

"Go back and tell the Great Elder that it's not his turn to dictate the affairs of the Canghai Clan." Lan Yao raised her hand and touched the man's forehead.

The man trembled with fright, turned around and ran away.

Things changed so fast here that none of the people on Chen Guanshi's side could react, until Lan Yao, who was standing in front of them, shook violently, his face suddenly turned pale, and he fell backwards.

(End of this chapter)

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