Chapter 1829

"Young patriarch, you are back!"

Lan Yao hurriedly helped him up, shedding tears unconvincingly: "Uncle Wei, please get up quickly, where is father, quickly take me to see!"

"Hey, come with me." Uncle Wei pulled him in, Lan Yao couldn't care less about greeting his companions, and walked in anxiously.

When he was not there, Lan Tingrui greeted him and invited everyone to enter and wait in the small living room.

As the daughter of the third elder, she can also be regarded as a cousin, so naturally no one will stop her.

The stone screen at the entrance is newly engraved, and it must have been broken when it was assassinated, and even the stone slabs in the yard are new.

The flowers and trees on both sides are withered, and some places are vacant. According to Lan Tingrui, evergreen trees were planted before, but now there are no more.And the pillars on the promenade also have a lot of fresh paint.

All the way in, Lan Tingrui's expression became even uglier.

Seeing Lan Tingrui's gaze, Duanmu couldn't help asking: "But what's wrong?"

Lan Tingrui said angrily: "Two years ago, I went to Xuanye College to study and came to say goodbye to the patriarch. At that time, the scenery in the patriarch's mansion was pleasant and everywhere. Now when I see it, it's all ruined!"

Duanmuyi naturally also noticed the mess of this place, but since it was the housework of the Canghai clan, he couldn't say much about it.

Everyone went into the living room and sat down. A maid came to serve tea, but was held back by Lan Tingrui.

"Miss Rui, don't embarrass your servant, who dares to say a word in the entire patriarch's mansion now." The maid refused to explain the ins and outs of the matter clearly, and ran away in a hurry after serving tea.

Duanmuyi and Dikongxuan looked at each other, and they both sensed something was wrong.

Does that Great Elder have such a high prestige among the Canghai Clan?

The atmosphere in the hall was oppressive, until the sound of footsteps came from outside the door, Lan Yao hurried over, but she saluted Yu Tingsong and begged: "Teacher Yu, please go and see your father!"

Yu Tingsong quickly supported him and said, "Why do you need to do this, lead the way quickly."

I'm afraid the situation is not optimistic... Duanmuyi and others also followed, intending to see what was going on.If the Mo clan is really intervening behind the affairs of the Canghai clan, then it is not a family affair of the clan.

Unexpectedly, before reaching the courtyard where Lan Zhou lived, a group of people came out from the side and blocked them.

Lan Yao almost bumped into her, but Yu Ting pulled him loosely, pulling him back to her side.

"Great... Great Elder..." Lan Yao looked at the leader, first flinched subconsciously, and let out a weak cry, then thought of what he saw today, and couldn't help feeling angry, his voice Also a little older, "Please step aside, the elder, my father is still waiting for me."

Duanmuyi looked over, and found that the man was unexpectedly young. Although he was Lan Xun's father, on the surface he looked like an elder brother at most. He was wearing a dark purple robe, and his figure was tall and thin. A strong man with ambition and ability.

Lan Yin looked calm, and said to Lan Yao: "Yao'er went to see your father, there is nothing wrong with it. It's just that the life and death of the patriarch is uncertain, and the origin of these people behind you is unknown, so it's better not to bring them in."

Lan Yao gritted her teeth and said, "It's because my father was injured that I brought them in. This is the young patriarch of the Baicao Clan and the unparalleled alchemist in the world, so he is not someone with unknown origins!"

(End of this chapter)

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