Chapter 1831

Everyone gathered together to discuss, until Uncle Wei outside came to invite them to dinner.

After dinner, Lan Yao said with red eyes that she was going to visit the Great Elder, and asked Uncle Wei to prepare invitations and gifts for him.

Although it was a little late to visit at this time, Uncle Wei still prepared the chariot and gifts, accompanied by Lan Tingrui, and took six servants to the Great Elder's mansion.

The entire patriarch's mansion was very quiet. Duanmuyi found that the guards here were divided into two groups. The outer group saluted Lan Yao when he came in, and the guards inside were mostly in the late Jindan stage, Yuanying The cultivation base in the early stage can be called a powerful force.

These people should belong to the Great Elder's faction, and they guarded these guests very closely.

"How do you plan to get in?" Di Kongxuan asked, "I looked at it during the day, and the defense force outside Lan Zhou's yard is three times that of here."

With their strength, it's not a problem to go in directly. Those people are not enough to beat Duanmuyi with one hand.

But in order not to alert those people, I'm afraid I really have to think of other ways.

Duanmuyi turned his eyes and saw Yue Rushuang dozing off on the chair.

As night fell, the entire patriarch's mansion fell into silence after dark these days, and there was only a little sound at dawn, and there was no vitality at all.

But tonight, something seems different...

With the sound of the pipa of pearls falling on the jade plate, the singing of a group of Yingying and Yanyan came from the direction of the guest courtyard, and immediately after that, the lights in the entire guest courtyard were turned on.

When Uncle Wei arrived after receiving the news, he almost didn't suffocate.

The most famous singers and dancers of the Canghai tribe are all in the Peach Blossom Garden in the main city, and the scene in front of him almost makes Uncle Wei think that he has walked into the Peach Blossom Garden.

He specifically withdrew to take a look and confirmed that he was still in the patriarch's mansion before walking in.

"This, this..." He saw Yu Tingsong at the side, and hurried forward, "Young Master Yu, what's going on?"

Yu Tingsong saw him, and pulled him in with great interest: "Uncle Wei, you are here. The young master of the Qingyue Clan has invited guests tonight, and the entire Peach Blossom Garden has moved here."

Uncle Wei went to the gazebo in the yard, and saw Yue Rushuang lying disheveled on the luxurious monster fur, with braziers around him, and a group of girls from Taohuayuan surrounding him, playing and singing, some Even her breasts were half exposed, and she kept leaning against him.

And that Yue Rushuang is also worthy of being the number one dandy in Xuanye Continent, who never refuses anyone who comes, a scene of extravagance.

Uncle Wei took a deep breath and told himself that these were the guests invited by the young patriarch, and he couldn't get angry... After a while, he couldn't hold back, and said angrily: "You are all handsome sons, why are you so rude? The head of my family is sick in bed, but you are here to make a fuss!"

Yu Tingsong pulled Uncle Wei not to let him go, and then another group of girls arrived, but the courtyard couldn't fit, Yue Rushuang waved her big hand and said: "Go and serve the guards outside, all the expenses tonight, my master It's all covered!"

Although these girls couldn't get close to him, they went out happily because they got a lot of benefits.

Immediately afterwards, the second batch, the third batch...

Taohuayuan obviously doesn't have so many girls, Yue Rushuang has booked all the brothels in the entire main city.

Just outside the door of Lanzhou's residence, there was also a group of girls walking towards here.

(End of this chapter)

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