Chapter 1833

"This medicine can only break the power that seals the dantian, but without the guidance of my own spiritual knowledge, the spiritual power dormant in the dantian will not be able to function as usual." Duanmuyi said, "The key is to get Patriarch Lanzhou wake."

Lan Yao took the elixir gratefully, and quickly asked, "Is there a way to wake up father?"

Duanmuyi nodded: "There are ways, but they are dangerous. If they are influenced by the outside world, both the caster and the castee may lose their memory and become idiots. Just judging from the current situation of Patriarch Lanzhou , I really can't think of any other way."

"What should I do?" Lan Yao said firmly, "No matter what method, even if there is only a one in ten thousand chance, I will try it!"

"There is a set of formulas in the same line in the soul art. In addition to the soul search, there is another called the soul call." Duan Muyi said, "The soul search can read other people's memories, but the soul call can read the memory of others." Awaken people's memory. I learned it when I practiced the soul law before, but never implemented it."

Lan Yao got up solemnly, and bowed to her: "No matter what, please give Miss Duanmu a try!"

Duan Muyi nodded: "Don't worry, since I've proposed it, I'm sure of it. It's not too late, you take the elixir to the patriarch first, and start to act at midnight tonight. At that time, I still need all of you to protect me. "

The plan was made, Lan Yao first went to feed his father the elixir, and then turned back.

"Speaking of which, when I came back in the morning, Uncle Wei told me that you guys had a falling out last night? Did something happen?" Lan Yao asked curiously.

Of course, he knew about last night's plan. He went to visit the First Elder's residence to support the First Elder and make things easier for Duanmuyi and the others.

It's just that Duanmu didn't know exactly how they would do it.

So after listening to Shen Muxu's talk about what happened last night, Lan Yao also looked confused.

How is this different from holding a dance next to someone's ancestral grave!

Bah bah, you can't curse your father!
Lan Yao struggled in her heart for a long time before she said, "Next time... let's change the way?"

Yue Rushuang snorted, threw the teacup she had sipped back on the table in disgust, and said lazily: "I sacrificed my appearance for you, and you don't know how to thank me. Don't call me for such things in the future."

"I think Young Master Yue will enjoy it too." Duanmuyi snorted.

Suddenly she thought of something, turned her head and asked: "Hey, Lan Yao, where is Ruirui? Didn't she go with you to visit the Great Elder? Why did you come back alone?"

Lan Yao patted her head immediately, and said: "Look at my memory...Ruirui met the third elder and was called home. Before she left, she let me, let me—"

"Let you what?"

"Let me tell Mr. Yue that if she never comes back, please ask Mr. Yue not to have a new love so soon..." Lan Yao rubbed her head, a little embarrassed.

Duanmuyi frowned and said, "What do you mean never coming back again? Isn't the third elder her real father?"

Lan Yao said: "Of course the third elder is reluctant to hurt her, but the third elder said that Ruirui is old enough to be engaged, and said that this time he will find a good marriage for her when he returns..."

The crowd was silent.

After a while, Shen Muxu grabbed Yue Rushuang's sleeve: "Hey, Mr. Yue, why are you going? Could it be..."

(End of this chapter)

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