Chapter 1835

He just felt a little...disgusted.

Duanmuyi sat down by the bed, Lan Zhou's complexion has improved a lot, the seal on the dantian is gone, the majestic spiritual power is dormant in the dantian, just waiting for his spiritual consciousness to move, and then he can follow the meridians, Repair the injury.

Seeing this, she also breathed a sigh of relief and felt relieved.

She slowly moved her hand to Lan Zhou's forehead, a white light glowed in her palm, a touch of spiritual consciousness flew out from between her eyebrows, landed on her palm, and then she gently pressed it on Lan Zhou's forehead.

Lan Zhou's body trembled for a moment, and waves appeared in the sea of ​​consciousness, as if he had resisted.

However, Duanmuyi's spiritual consciousness was too strong, and his sea of ​​consciousness quickly returned to calm under her suppression.After Duanmuyi stabilized, he followed his sea of ​​consciousness, traced back to the source, and began to perform the soul calling technique.

After waiting for about half an hour, there was a commotion outside the yard, and a man's voice sounded full of anger: "Enclose this place for me!"

Lan Yao's shoulders trembled slightly, and she immediately turned her head to look at Di Kongxuan, took a deep breath, and walked to the gate of the yard: "Grand Elder, what do you mean!"

Lan Yin looked at him with a sneer: "I would like to ask you, the young patriarch, what is the meaning of bringing two people who plotted against me to kill my guards and break into the patriarch's residence in the middle of the night!"

"They are not people who plot evil, they are my friends, I invited them to save my father!" Lan Yao said tit for tat.

Seeing that he dared to talk back, Lan Yin's complexion became even more ugly.

"Stop talking nonsense, get out of the way!" Lan Yin said loudly, "Come on, go and arrest those two plotters!"

Lan Yao stood at the door without giving in, and said coldly, "I'll see who dares!"

Lan Yin stared at him calmly for a moment, then waved and said, "Do it."

The guards he brought were all his confidantes, so naturally they would not take Lan Yao seriously, not to mention Lan Yao's talent was mediocre, and there were many Canghai people who refused to accept him.

However, no matter how mediocre Lan Yao's talent is, he is still a person from Xuanye College. No matter how many of these guards are in the Nascent Soul Stage, they are not his opponents.

Seeing that Lan Yao didn't flinch, Lan Yin raised her eyebrows in surprise.

This nephew has been practicing in the clan for more than a hundred years, and he has always been timid. He didn't expect that this time he would learn to fight against him when he came back from studying.

He turned his head and raised his eyebrows cryptically.

Behind him, Yu Qianyin walked out slowly, and said with a faint smile: "I heard that the head of the Canghai Clan is young and promising, why don't you make a move like me."

Lan Yao looked at him warily, frowning slightly.

Both Yu Qianyin and him were at the elementary level of the transformation stage, but he clearly felt that there was an impenetrable aura in Yu Qianyin, which was very dangerous.

And at this moment, a faint voice came from the yard: "Lan Yao, come in."

Lan Yao glanced back, Di Kongxuan shook his head at him, he took a deep breath, retreated to the courtyard, and stood by Di Kongxuan's side.

"You are not his opponent." Di Kongxuan explained.

Lan Yao nodded, he understood.

"Miss Duanmu, I don't know what's going on." Lan Yao glanced at the room worriedly.

Di Kongxuan said calmly: "Don't worry, I can feel your father's aura is gradually increasing, and he must be awakening soon."

Only then did Lan Yao feel relieved, and stared vigilantly at the people who were entering the yard.

(End of this chapter)

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