Chapter 1854

A group of people walked in while talking, and they seemed to be having a good time.

The residence arranged for them this time is in the other garden at the foot of the patriarch's mansion. The scenery is beautiful, and even in late autumn, a hundred flowers are in full bloom.

Young Master Jiang has changed back into women's clothes, standing tall and straight at the gate of the Bieyuan, standing shoulder to shoulder with her is also an old acquaintance.

When Duanmuyi saw these two people, his eyes flickered for a moment, then he smiled and said, "Young Master Jiang, turn into jade."

"I didn't expect the academy to send you to solve this rotten matter. From this point of view, we have a lot of time to talk slowly." Jiang Shao raised his head arrogantly, his voice still high-spirited like a boy.

Hua Guiyu was afraid of Duanmuyi. He was coerced and lured by her before, and later he heard that Hua Guirong died at her hands, and died quietly. Hua Guiyu didn't want to be with this "female devil" at all. Head" has contact.

But now the five major families of the Shengling Clan, only the Huagui family and the Jiang family can join forces to compete with the other three families, and to calm down the incident as soon as possible, and there is nothing they can do about Hua Guiyu's orders from the family.

She had no choice but to say hello dryly.


"Pfft——" A black shadow was hit by the purple-gold light, flew out backwards, and smashed a deep gully on the ground, twitched twice, and then stopped moving.

The man's clothes were stained with blood, and the crimson cinnabar between his eyebrows became more and more seductive, and his eyebrows seemed to be condensed with a chill for thousands of years. soul.

After doing all this, he just raised his head and looked at the way he came from.

One, two, three... The seven team members each lost their lottery, but luckily no one died.

"Captain." The team members are now full of admiration for the newly appointed captain.

Some people have advanced cultivation bases, but they are not necessarily good at fighting, but the man in front of him seems to be omnipotent. Before he came, none of the teams that were killed by snipers survived.But since he came back, there seemed to be an extra thread between all the units of the foreign law enforcement team, pulling them to gather towards him and avoiding many sneak attacks.

Di Kongxuan suppressed the chill on his brows, and nodded slightly: "How is the situation?"

The team members knew that he didn't talk much, and at the beginning the simple words required them to guess what he was asking, but now they easily understood what he was asking.

A member of the team stepped forward and said: "Now the small teams scattered all over the mainland have been condensed into five major teams. Except for our one, the other four major teams did not come to us in a hurry, but followed your wishes and contacted each other in various places." tribal power."

Another person also said: "After receiving our letter, the college has sent five people, Yu Tingsong, Yue Rushuang, Chen Yuan, Duan Muyue, and Song Aotian, to support our five major teams. It's the moon like frost."

The moon is like frost?
Di Kongxuan frowned lightly, although he didn't speak, the doubt in his heart was already written on his face.

One person said softly: "The number one dandy in Xuanye Continent? I'm afraid his strength is at the Nascent Soul Stage? Why did the academy send him here?"

"Could it be that you think the captain is on our team, so you send him here as a show?"

"We are now within the domain of the Qingyue Clan. If Yue Rushuang comes, it should be a force to help us contact the Qingyue Clan better and faster."

The team members chattered and discussed, but Di Kongxuan's gaze sank slightly.

(End of this chapter)

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