kiss Ann, sweet wife

Chapter 186 The smell of gunpowder is enough!

Chapter 186 The smell of gunpowder is full!
There are so many things you don't know!
Bai Jiujiu talked back to him from the bottom of his heart, and suddenly thought of something and immediately asked, "If you find that I am different from what you imagined, will you still like me?"

"Good." Lu Sichen didn't answer, but took 'him' words as a joke, rubbing his fingers between 'him' hair, he likes the feeling of hugging from behind 'him', it can fill up his chest Just right.

It was like a custom-made suit for him, just fitting and comfortable.

Bai Jiujiu listened to his answer as if coaxing a pet, and gave him a supercilious look in his heart.

"I'm afraid Yixuelan is more important."

The words were a little angry and full of gunpowder.

Lu Sichen smelled a slightly sour jealousy, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, and the hard lines of his face suddenly softened, handsome and bright.

Bai Jiujiu was almost confused by his handsome and lonely appearance again, so he pinched himself fiercely to keep himself awake.

"It's not important to you."

Hearing these sweet words, Bai Jiujiu became even more angry.

"Come on!" They all left me, and it's not as important as me to go with the beauty?
Is it easy to coax me when I am a three-year-old child?
"She asked me out just to talk about the car accident." Lu Sichen explained, he who didn't bother explaining at first, unexpectedly explained it patiently to Bai Jiujiu.

Bai Jiujiu was silent for a while, hesitated again and again, and then asked, "What kind of car accident is it?"

She wanted to know, it seemed that knowing it would make her feel closer to Lu Sicong's heart. "

Not so estranged.

Lu Sichen's deep eyes were dark and cold, as if from hell, making Bai Jiujiu shiver uncontrollably.

The air pressure was so low that she could hardly breathe, and she regretted asking.

Just when she was about to find another topic, the deep and cold voice sounded again, carrying a strong hatred.

"It was more than ten years ago. My mother, my sister and I were involved in a car accident. My sister died in the car accident on the spot, but my mother and I survived the car accident. The police said that the car accident was caused by drunkenness. But I know it was not an accident but man-made.

I received a letter, which clearly stated that I hated my father and came to us for revenge.

At that time I was young and incompetent, and now I am capable, but it has been too long, and I have not found any useful information, even at the beginning..."

Even the drunk driver disappeared after he was sentenced, and the information provided was all false, so there was no way to investigate.

I want to know who was so cruel back then, that person owed my sister a life. "

The intense hatred was like a violent storm. Seeing Bai Jiujiu feel distressed, she hugged Lu Sichen tightly.

He wanted to use his own body temperature to heal Lu Sichen's wound.

She had experienced the feeling of losing a loved one in a car accident, but she was lucky, at least her mother and younger brother were still alive.

Lu Sichen was startled for a moment because of Bai Jiujiu's initiative to hug, and then half of the hostility in his eyes disappeared, and the eyes looking at Bai Jiujiu gradually became softer.

"Why don't you call the police, maybe it can help you." Bai Jiujiu said.

Lu Sichen sneered twice, "It's better to believe in myself than in them."

For some reason, Bai Jiujiu keenly noticed that Lu Sichen had a deep distrust of the police.

"Did Yi Xuelan give you any useful information?" Bai Jiujiu was even more curious about things that Lu Sichen didn't find out. How did she know?

(End of this chapter)

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