Chapter 1868

Best not to test drugs here.

Elder Bai has already experienced two bottles of Yuling Pill, and they are indeed of high quality. He looked at Duanmuyi, more like looking at a master of alchemy, with some respect.

"Aren't you going to test it?" he asked.

Duanmuyi smiled slightly, raised his hand to put the medicine bottle into the spirit ring, and said casually: "No need, I believe in the credibility of your auction house, and I will definitely not use a fake bottle to get away with it."

Elder Bai quickly said, "That's natural."

The transaction was successful, and Elder Bai was in a good mood. He went out with her, and also extended an invitation to her: "Master Bai's birthday, there is a banquet in the White House tonight, if the girl is not busy, why not come with the old man—"

"Steward, steward!" A waiter suddenly ran towards this side in a hurry, and fell halfway, almost rolling to Duanmuyi's feet.

Duanmu shrank his feet and avoided him.

Elder Bai frowned, feeling that he had frightened his honored guest, so he showed an angry expression: "How to do things, how unbecoming to be so impatient!"

"Elder... Elder..." The waiter was taken aback, he didn't expect the elder who usually lives in seclusion to be here.

At this moment, the man with the parchment in his hand had already walked over and asked calmly, "What's going on?"

The waiter pointed outside: "Trading Room No. [-], fight!"

The elixir that Duanmuyi traded is already the third lot. According to Shensha Auction House's auction of five items at a time, half of the No. [-] trading room may be Dikongxuan.

She narrowed her eyes slightly, and then smiled: "Since Elder Bai has something to do, then I won't bother you any more, and I will leave."

Elder Bai is still thinking about bringing this person back to the Bai family and dedicating it to the Patriarch. In this way, the power of the Bai family will surely become even more powerful.

He immediately said: "It's not a big deal for the girl to stop. Why don't you go with the old man to have a look, and after it's over, invite the girl back to the White Mansion for a drink."

This remark fit Duanmu Yi's heart, so he followed the good advice: "Alright."

So the three of them followed the waiter to trading room No. [-].

Before getting close, I saw that the tables and chairs were all messed up, a white shadow swayed from mid-air, so fast that even Duan Muyi's soul power couldn't catch it, and Di Kongxuan's outstretched hand also grabbed it. Kong, and then chased after him.

The steward asked the waiter, "What's going on?"

The waiter said with a bitter face: "Just now, this gentleman took pictures of this lot and said that he wanted to inspect the goods, but a fight broke out. We opened the door to try to control her, but she ran out. She was too fast... ..."

Elder Bai's gaze sank, and he was about to make a move.

Beside him, Duanmuyi suddenly chuckled and pressed his shoulder: "Elder Bai, I think this girl is very interesting, why don't you let me try?"

Elder Bai was stunned for a moment, and suddenly felt that this was a good opportunity to see if her strength was worth recommending to the Patriarch, so he agreed.

Duanmuyi stepped forward, and first said to Dikongxuan: "Young master, please take a rest, let me try."

Di Kongxuan stopped the chasing figure, looked back at her, and showed a strange and indifferent expression cooperatively, a look of guard.

The two "stalemate" for a while, Di Kongxuan backed away a little, with a cold expression on his face.

Duanmuyi thought it was funny, but he still sank his thoughts and set his eyes on...

(End of this chapter)

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