Chapter 1871

"Patriarch, that's her." Elder Bai said.

Bai Wenchu ​​took a look. Because of Duanmuyi's strong soul power, he couldn't see through her cultivation, so he laughed loudly and stepped forward and said, "This must be the alchemy master that Elder Bai mentioned, right?"

Duanmuyi breathed out slowly, a white light flickered from between her eyebrows and disappeared.

Elder Bai was shocked: "This is the Dzogchen of soul power! Patriarch, she is extremely talented, and it is very likely that she will cross Dzogchen and enter the Mustard Seed Realm."

He himself has been trapped in the state of great perfection of soul power for a long time, suffering from not being able to find a way to do it, coupled with his advanced age, the mustard state is hopeless, now seeing a young junior with such a cultivation level, he can't help but be overjoyed.

Bai Wenchu ​​also became more solemn.

Duanmuyi opened his eyes, glanced at Bai Wenchu ​​through the mask, sneered from the bottom of his heart, with a gentle smile on his face: "I have seen Patriarch Bai."

"Don't dare to be, don't dare to be, the girl has such a state at such a young age, she is really gifted." Bai Wenchu ​​said with a smile, "My Baifu is beautiful, but can I still catch the girl's eyes?"

Duanmu knew that he was testing himself, so he said: "When I was sitting in the hall just now, I sensed a strong aura lingering here, so it is very abrupt to come here to visit. But..."

She paused, pointed at the lake in front of her and said with a smile, "This lake is full of aura, it really is wonderful."

If what she expected was right, there must be some secret treasure hidden at the bottom of this lake.

Bai Wenchu ​​laughed, but avoided the topic: "The children's banquet is about to begin, and the girl is honoring you by coming here, please take a seat."

Duanmu smiled and followed him out of here.

After a while, when the sky darkened, the banquet began.

Bai Wenchu ​​sat on his seat for a while, then frowned and said, "Young master, why haven't you come yet? The guests are already here, he's too rude."

The woman next to him seemed to be his wife, and she still frowned slightly when she heard the word "little son", but she didn't dare to touch his bad luck, so she forced a smile: "I'll let someone remind me again."

She had already sent three groups of people to urge her, but the young man was wayward and refused to come. In the end, everyone would say that she was a bad mother.

Duanmuyi lowered his eyes to drink, but suddenly a sound came from his ears.

She put down her wine glass, turned her head and said: "Patriarch Bai, Elder Bai, let me leave the table for a while."

Elder Bai immediately called a maid to lead the way.

Duanmu walked around to the shadowed corridor, and the maid behind her fell to the ground with a muffled groan.

Di Kongxuan walked to her side, and said in a low voice: "Your jade tablet with a touch of spiritual consciousness was crushed by that young master."

Duanmuyi raised his head suddenly.

"He seems to know a lot of things. I brought him here. Do you want to ask?" Di Kongxuan stepped aside, and Duanmuyi saw behind him, in the shadows, a young boy half the height of a person standing , with burning eyes.

She looked at him for a moment and said, "Do you want to see your sister?"

On the night of the young master's birthday in the White Mansion, when all the guests were waiting for the young master to show up, Duan Muyi abducted the protagonist in a grandiose manner.

"Elder Bai can't find you, so you're not afraid of his suspicion?" Di Kongxuan asked.

Duanmuyi held Young Master Bai's hand, wandering leisurely in the empty street, just snorting: "He has always been suspicious, but he just wanted to win over me. I won't really work for the Bai family , let him think what he wants."

The two entered the inn.

(End of this chapter)

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