Chapter 1879

"Speak carefully." Mo Chengyu's eyes darkened slightly, obviously displeased.

After all, Mo Lingyu was still afraid of this big brother, curled his lips, and didn't say anything more, but the look in his eyes became more and more ruthless, and vowed to send more people, digging three feet to dig out those two guys.

It was a dead and silent space, hidden in the thousands of miles of mountains, and no one cared about it for thousands of years.

Surrounded by dense fog that exudes the breath of death, it is full of evil spirits.On the ground, not a single blade of grass grows, and animal carcasses are everywhere, only birds that like to eat carrion corpses occasionally come to patronize.

Duanmuyi opened his eyes in such an environment.

Her sea of ​​consciousness was silent, and the slightest use of her soul power would cause extreme nausea and discomfort. The primordial fetus lay naked in the sea of ​​consciousness and fell asleep, but luckily it didn't dissipate.

This wave is really a big loss...

Duanmuyi lay down for a while, and sat up after recovering his strength.

At a glance, she was surrounded by thick fog and couldn't see Di Kongxuan's figure.She called twice in a low voice, but no one answered, so she gave up.

Gotta find a way to find him.

Duanmuyi didn't know how long she had been in a coma, nor did he know what Dikongxuan's situation was at this time, but he was first attacked by space magic, and then he desperately used up his spiritual power to fight with the Mo people, and now he definitely won't How much better than her.

Duanmuyi tried to use the ear fox to sense the location of Youyuan, but it was weird here, and the connection between the spiritual pets was cut off.In desperation, she could only walk forward, into the thick fog.

"Be careful." A voice suddenly rang in her ear.

Duanmuyi was stunned for a moment, the spiritual fire in his hand jumped, and he waved away the dense fog around him in an instant.

And then no one.

That voice was even more helpless: "It's me, can't you hear my voice?"

Duanmuyi felt a little familiar, and suddenly widened his eyes: "Mo, Mo Zhanfeng?!"

She had been looking for Mo Zhanfeng for a long time. He was the one who helped make up all of her soul in the Ascension Passage, and rushed up to save their family of three regardless of life or death.Although Duanmuyi felt that the hope of him surviving was very slim, but she never gave up.

I didn't expect to hear Mo Zhanfeng's voice here.

It is also a happy event to meet an old friend in a foreign land.

Duanmuyi was delighted for a moment, but then felt something was wrong: "Where are you from?"

That voice actually came from her hand: "Here!"

In the end, Duanmuyi fell into contemplation of the sky-high price of the holy medicine she bought in Shensha Auction.

"No wonder I have an inexplicable obsession in my heart, I have to buy you... Is it your awareness of me?" Duanmuyi asked.

Because Mo Zhanfeng was saving people in the passage of ascension, his own spiritual power was strangled by the loose string force, unable to maintain his transformation form, so he could only turn into a pill again and fell into Xuanye Continent.

After several twists and turns, it fell into the hands of a businessman and was sold to Shensha Auction House.

Because of his self-consciousness, no matter how powerful the pharmacist of Shensha Auction House was, he couldn't detect what kind of elixir he was, so he had to put it on hold for a long time.

Until Duanmuyi appeared.

Mo Zhanfeng's voice seemed a little outrageous and angry: "I thought you, a pharmacist, should buy this holy elixir the first time you saw me! Who knew you were blind!"

Duanmuyi: "Please be reasonable! You didn't radiate consciousness that time, and..."

(End of this chapter)

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