Chapter 1899

Duanmuyi looked at him through the window, his eyes were indifferent, revealing a sense of alienation that he had never seen before. At that moment, Di Mingqian suddenly realized something.

She doesn't like him.

It turns out that these days are all his own wishful thinking.

Di Mingqian is also a celebrity in Xuanye Continent, and is often compared with Mo Yeyu, the youngest of the Mo clan.The difference in cultivation between the two is one level, but the cultivation mode is the same.

Mo Yeyu put away the family's good cultivation resources, and voluntarily left the family to travel the mainland as a casual cultivator.

Di Minggan is even more outrageous than him. He not only travels the mainland, but also likes to take risks. He likes to understand the Dao and improve his cultivation when life and death are on the line.

Therefore, many people from other tribes secretly set up bets, betting that the cultivator Di Minggan would really kill himself one day.

However, the facts have proved that Di Mingqian has made progress between life and death, and is now a junior strongman in the Mahayana period.Those who laughed at him were still in the Nascent Soul Stage and the Transformation Stage.

Di Mingqian himself also knows that he has been pursuing to become stronger all his life, but in fact he is a big bastard, and he doesn't understand the so-called love even more than the second emperor Mingkun.

He heard that Di Mingkun served as the captain of the law enforcement in the academy, he was ruthless, but he also had a junior sister with strange tastes to write love letters to him.As for himself, it was the first time that the iron tree blossomed.

I don't know, I drove to the wrong place.

Through the window, Duanmuyi's spiritual consciousness transmitted sound, which exploded in his mind.

"My name is Duanmuyi, and I am Di Kongxuan's married wife."

Duanmuyi... the name Di Mingqian is no stranger to him, and Di Kongxuan has often mentioned it in his family letters in the past two years.

Just, are they married?
Di Minggan's eyes were a little dazed.

Duanmuyi didn't think she took advantage of him, she wanted to reveal her identity from the beginning, but if he refused to listen, she just followed suit.

She said without much guilt: "It wasn't me who lied to you on purpose. The matter between me and Di Kongxuan is not a secret. We got married in the Lower Realm Continent and have a son. When he comes later, you will I can see you."

Another thunderbolt fell, and Di Mingqian felt that he was not so helpless when he was fighting between life and death.

After Duanmuyi finished speaking, he didn't care how turbulent his mind was, and turned back to the room.

From the point of view of everyone in the tavern, it was she who kicked that strong man out, but he still didn't dare to come in. This simply ignited the gossip souls of everyone.

After many inquiries, I found out that the man with a strong aura is actually the eldest son of the Dijiang clan. As for the girl, these casual cultivators here feel unfamiliar.


After returning to the room, Duanmuyi adjusted his breath for a while, and then placed a strong restraint, and then took out a jade box from the spirit ring.

After the box was opened, a pitch-black elixir was suspended in the air, and the strong medicinal fragrance immediately filled the whole room. Fortunately, there was a restraint to prevent it from floating out.

The elixir spun around a few times and turned into a phantom of a young man.

These days, Duanmuyi used his domain spirit fire to nourish this elixir and Mo Zhanfeng's soul every day, which enabled him to take shape.

"The appearance hasn't changed much, but the aura has become stronger." Duanmuyi rubbed his chin and asked doubtfully, "Can the holy medicine elixir still evolve?"

Mo Zhanfeng transformed into a mirror.

(End of this chapter)

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