Chapter 1906

"The tomb-guarding monsters in Neigu have always been suppressed by Neigu's seal, and they must be invincible in the later stage of Mahayana." Ditian glanced at the crowd, fell silent, and said, "Who else is here besides me?" Late Mahayana?"

After a moment of silence, two elders came out. One was the Supreme Elder of the Shengling Clan, who had lived in seclusion for a hundred years;

Both of these two are approaching the end of their lives, and only broke through to the late stage of Mahayana, adding more than a hundred years of life span.Compared with them, Di Tian is a descendant of grandchildren, which shows how talented he is.

After waiting for a while, no one came out again. Duanmuyi's gaze swept across Yue Rushuang not far away, and saw that he was sitting on the ground with an old god, picking his ears, and there was no response.

What was sitting under his buttocks turned out to be an emerald jade couch, which was very valuable, obviously he took it out of the spirit ring himself.

Duanmuyi was speechless for a moment, then looked away.

Yue Rushuang made it clear that she didn't want to care about this matter.

Three late Mahayana superpowers came to deal with three tomb guard monsters, and the last one could only be handed over to weaker people.

There are also three elders in the middle stage of Mahayana, and it is not too difficult for the three to join forces.

Seeing that Ditian commanded well, everyone was relieved a little, retreated to a safe distance, and waited for the bosses to open the way for them.

Duanmuyi held Didudu's hand tightly, for fear that he would be pushed away by the crowd.

Di Kongxuan's eyes fell on a farther place, and he said in a low voice: "Did you hear any sound?"

Duanmuyi was stunned for a moment, and immediately released his spiritual consciousness.

The spiritual consciousness of the Haina realm quietly crossed the crowd, passed the few people fighting fiercely in front, and spread farther away.

Almost instantly, she yelled in horror: "Get back quickly! The group of monsters is coming!"

There are more than these four tomb guard monsters, these are just the strongest four, and the rest should not be underestimated.

But now, these mighty hundreds of monsters are rushing towards everyone like a tide, but they who have not yet developed their wits know how to seek good luck and avoid evil, bypassing the six people of Ditian and the four monsters, and open their teeth and claws towards the cultivator. Those who rushed.

They smell the outside world, and they want to get out.

Everyone was dumbfounded. They were caught off guard by the monsters whose cultivation level was not weaker than that of the God Transformation Stage, and the monster race's uniquely strong body.

"Patriarch Ditian, what is going on!" Elder Huagui shouted.

Di Tian replied in a hurry: "Under normal circumstances, it is impossible for them to break through the seal. Someone must have released them all!"

It's the Mo tribe!
Although he didn't say it clearly, everyone present knew that the Mo tribe who rushed in ahead of them even released the sealed monsters frantically!

This is to kill them all!
For a moment, the crowd was indignant, and they stabilized the situation, fighting with the group of monsters inextricably.

"It can't go on like this." Chen Yuan beheaded a monster, and shouted to the people around him, "If you delay any longer, the Mo people will come back after taking their things!"

"Yeah, this is obviously used by the Mo people to delay time!"

"You have to rush over!"

But Yu Tingsong said: "No, if we leave regardless, these monsters will definitely escape from Xuanye Valley, and the outside world will be in turmoil again!"

"But the place here is too small to use it, maybe put it outside and kill it!"

(End of this chapter)

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