Chapter 1916

Lifting up the hem of his clothes with both hands, he poked inside.

Di Kongxuan looked at her forbearance, the veins on his forehead throbbed, and the muffled moans were held in his throat, like heavy gasps.

Duanmuyi freed one hand and interlocked his fingers.

She smiled softly and brightly: "It's okay, there's me."

Dikongxuan gritted his teeth, turned over again, and pressed her on the mountain wall, covering his whole body, wishing he could embed her in his body.

The scorching breath pressed against Duanmuyi's ear, and his unwillingness and anger, along with his straightened back, were released in her hands.

The scorching heat in one hand.

Di Kongxuan held her wrist, lowered his eyes, carefully wiped her hand clean, held it in his palm, bowed his head and kissed it.

Duanmu pursed his lips and smiled, "Are you in a better mood?"

Di Kongxuan hummed lightly.

After a pause, he said again: "Don't worry, I will find a way over there."

"I was a little worried at first, but now I'm not too worried." Duanmu said pointingly, "Now that Mo Lingyu covets the bones in my hand, he won't say anything to Duan before there is definite news. Toot your hands. Second... have you noticed that Yue Rushuang—"

She didn't speak clearly.

But Di Kongxuan understood.

He has also been paying attention to Yue Rushuang's movements, Yue Rushuang did not follow Qingyue back, but followed after the Mo people left, her intentions were obvious.

Dudu and him can be regarded as adoptive father-son relationship, and they hit it off very well, so Yue Rushuang won't sit idly by.

And Yue Rushuang's ability...

"I will rescue him." Di Kongxuan said seriously.

How can you pin your hopes on an adoptive father?His biological father is not dead yet, and although his adoptive father's cultivation is unfathomable, he is not a vegetarian either.

How could Duanmuyi not know what he was thinking, held his hand and corrected: "It's us."

The next road was not so easy, as soon as he left Xuanye Valley, he encountered a surprise attack by a group of people. Although he was not sure which force he belonged to, he still couldn't escape from the scope of the seven major tribes.

They couldn't be more clear about the reason why everyone is innocent but pregnant with guilt.

Just after getting rid of the second batch of killers, another powerful aura came from not far away.

Duanmuyi breathed a sigh of relief, frowned and said, "It's not an option to go on like this."

Although they were not weak in cultivation, if the seven major tribes sent people to hunt them down day and night, they would not be able to recover the consumed spiritual power in such a short period of time.

"Find a place to hide for a while." Duanmuyi suggested.

But Di Kongxuan looked not far away and said, "Maybe it's not necessary."

Duan Muyi followed him to look, and saw two carts pulled by roe deer slowly driving out of the forest, and the driver turned out to be a first-grade alchemist.

Seeing Duanmuyi, the alchemist got out of the car and saluted her respectfully: "My lord."

Duanmuyi, as a rare spiritual pharmacist, naturally deserves his title.

She looked up into the car, the door opened, Yu Tingsong's gentle eyes paused on her for a moment, and then looked at Di Kongxuan: "Get in the car."

Xuanye Valley is not too far from the Baicao Clan. If you cross the tribal border, you only need to avoid the people of the Shengling Clan to reach the Baicao Clan safely.

The car belonged to the chief pharmacist's car, and there were escorts from the pharmacy department along the way. Even if someone wanted to check the car, they had to weigh whether they had the qualifications.

(End of this chapter)

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