kiss Ann, sweet wife

Chapter 192 Shred Her True Face

Chapter 192 Shred Her True Face

Bai Jiujiu raised his eyebrows lightly, "I didn't say anything, you already know, could it be that man was really sent by you?"

As soon as Bai Jiujiu said this, Tang Yijuan looked like she was on the verge of tears, and her voice was soft and weak, "What does it have to do with me that you are late? Don't blame anyone!"

Miao Shuang asked, "What happened."

At the moment when Bai Jiujiu appeared, Ai Xuanxuan glanced up and down, her eyes flashed slightly, and she continued to remain silent, like an outsider, staying out of the matter.

Bai Jiujiu remained silent, taking in all the expressions of these people.

"Sister Li, that's why I encountered someone blocking me on the way here." Bai Jiujiu explained, but someone insisted on biting her.

"You might as well just say that you saved people on the road, and you can still promote your kindness."

Tang Yijuan sneered, in her eyes, Bai Jiujiu was a liar full of lies, everything he said was unbelievable and unbelievable.

Bai Jiujiu didn't understand that Tang Yijuan looked at her with such hatred. He didn't seem to have done anything harmful to her, did he?

The cut of love, the depth of hate.

How much Tang Yijuan liked Bai Jiujiu before, and how much she hated Bai Jiujiu after discovering that Bai Jiujiu was a girl.

Li Chuzhen frowned and said nothing, obviously also considering the reliability of Bai Jiujiu's words.

"Young Master Lu can testify for me." Bai Jiujiu threw out a proof.

Just when Li Chuzhen wanted to make the big thing into a small one, Tang Yijuan refused to accept it and said, "Everyone knows the relationship between Young Master Lu and you, so this is also evidence?

Sister Li, you don't want to favor Bai Jiujiu, do you? It's not fair to us at all! "

Just as Li Chuzhen was about to speak, she frowned and remained silent when she saw Tang Yijuan's swearing-in attitude.

She knew that if she wanted to convince the public, she had to let Bai Jiujiu solve it herself. This was also a test and exercise for Bai Jiujiu.

"Of course it counts. In terms of evidence, I believe that there are cameras on the side of the road I walked. I was held hostage and would definitely be recorded. You can call up the video and see if I'm lying."

Bai Jiujiu has a candid look on his face, but he has an inexplicably convincing affinity.

Tang Yijuan bit her lip and said unwillingly, "Do you look like you were killed?"

In her definition, Bai Jiujiu is nothing but a liar full of lies.

"You mean that Bai Jiujiu has to appear here in a state of embarrassment in order to get what you want?" Miao Shuang retorted.

"What do you mean by that?"

Tang Yijuan didn't want to understand why Miao Shuang, who had been targeting Bai Jiujiu before, stood by her side and spoke for her again and again.

Fighting against himself everywhere, what kind of ecstasy soup did Bai Jiujiu pour her into?

"What do you mean, what do I mean."


"Enough, the judges are already waiting there, are you all planning to abstain?"

Li Chuzhen stopped the quarrel between the two at the right time, and cast a sideways glance at Bai Jiujiu.

"The assessment first, if it is not the first place, it will still be rejected, if it is the first place, it will investigate the authenticity of this matter before considering admission.

"I listen to Sister Li." Bai Jiujiu smiled like a gentleman, well-behaved, honest and innocent like a rabbit.

Li Chuzhen still had a serious face, but she actually liked Bai Jiujiu from the bottom of her heart.

She has seen "his" hard work and dedication behind it all.

Especially the character is also very suitable for her taste, it is hard to like it or not.

When passing by 'him', Li Chuzhen said, "Don't let me down."

 ps: Little cutie, how does Chen Chen of my family find out Jiu Bao's identity? ╭(╯^╰)╮

(End of this chapter)

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